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as Izuku walks through the ua gate to meet the Challege that he had been preparing for since he was 4 years old, anxiety flooded his mind causing him to trip

izuku: (or ill just die) *slightly braces himself*




izuku: huh? Opens his eyes*

uraraka: are you okay?

izuku: eh? *Turns to see uraraka with her hand outstretched* 

uraraka: puts izuku down and deactivates her quirk* sorry about using my quirk on you but i figured its bad luck to trip right before the exam *slight smile*

izuku: urr, right *scratches the back of his head* thank you...?

uraraka: ochako uraraka! nice to meet you *slight bows* well i better go, see ya *opens the doors and enters*

Izuku: inhale* *exhale* (shit! I'm gonna be late!) runs in*

Izuku then enters auditorium where the written test will be held in, sitting down the tests were handed out by ectoplasm and a timer at the stage started with 3 hours to complete the test

2 hours 55 minutes later:

izuku: sigh* (thank God that's over! i think i should've done enough to at pass, next step the practical test)

after all the tests were handed back in, present mic the voice hero gave a summary of the practical exam, where you had to destroy robots to earn points as well.

izuku: at the doors to the fake city* (I'm going to go xlr8, the speed and strength would be better suited for this than fourarms or heatblast)

izuku: *sees uraraka lo ki freaking out* (hey its nice girl) *begins walking to uraraka*

ilda: grabs izuku's shoulder* are you trying to sabotage that girl?!

izuku: slaps ilda's hand off his shoulder and walks to Uraraka* you okay?

uraraka: huh? oh! hey, it's you, yeah im fine just kinda nervous is all hehe

izuku: here *grabs her hands and puts them together in a praying position but outward facing*

uraraka: huh?

izuku: pulls his hands back and slaps his into hers*

uraraka: huh?! w-w-what was tha-

izuku: its a little trick i learned a while back, helps with anxiety, doesn't it? (if anyone can get the reference, good job)

uraraka: huh? yeah, kinda does

suddenly the doors retract open while present mic yells:


as the crowds of contestants rush in one is left behind 

Izuku: *selects xlr8 and slams down the dial* ...

izuku: huh? *Looks at the Omnitrix* damn it! *runs in the gate* (shit,shit,shit! what the hell is up with this thing?!)

2 pointer: locks on to izuku and charges

izuku: sees the 2 pointer and runs at it

izuku: jumps at the 2 pointer*

2 pointer: swings its arm and tries to swat izuku

izuku: ducks under the arm and grabs a rock* sharp exhale*  gggrrr-

a blue beam shoots into the robot's head taking the points from izuku

He's smart freaky fast and strong, he's every shape and size he's deku 10Where stories live. Discover now