Hero's beginning pt 3

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yo I'm back, not much to say so lets just get into it.

oh and my fav alien is either ghostfreak or Xlr8

we left off with izuku in the forest where he found a weird ass watch that seemed to be able to turn him into different monsters ? Aliens ? Whatever they are 😉

izuku:  *walking into his apartment* hey mom! I'm back!





izuku: mom?

izuku: *walks into the living room and sees...*

inko.... dead.... murde- jk I'm not doing the murdered inko type story

inko: *sleeping on the couch with terminator 2 in the background, she had tears in her eyes (cuz that movie does that to ya)*

izuku: she watched t2 without me? (Fuck this I'm not doin dem dishes then! I still need to look at the watch thing anyway)

izuku walked to his room silently, he got really good at walking with no sound 

izuku: *sits on his desk and starts twisting the dial and just looking at the watch from different angles*

izuku: hmmm, it turned me into that blue crystal guy (probably should name him) but im seeing all sorts of weird looking guys... ill go to that forest every day and try them all out. maybe i can be a hero with this *he says to himself with a smile*

he then remembers bakugou exists

izuku: oh...... yeah, he'll never let me be a hero

izuku then gets into bed and tries to sleep even with the myriad of thought about the omnitrix and its creatures 

the next day at school

izuku: thank God i have a lot of long sleeve shirts


just a long sleeve version

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

just a long sleeve version

the omnitrix left a slight imprint but not a noticeable one

bakugou: (if i put the gauntlets on my suit I need them to actually do something, ahh right!

They can just condense and store my sweat its geni-) *sees deku in his formally favourite shirt*

bakugou: (he never wears that shirt anymore.... it's got long sleeves now.

 i though I got him to stop wearing that shirt)


bakugou: *around 7 btw, it's before he was absolutely kicking the shit outta

izuku but he would still bump him, trip him e.c* 

He's smart freaky fast and strong, he's every shape and size he's deku 10حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن