Hero's beginnings pt.1

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I'm writing this at 3:17 in the morning so.... well you get it

lets just start (btw I am kind of a textuber so sorry if I use that format for how the text is structured)




We see a clear sky, no clouds dare to impede on the perfect day...perfect day for most, not izuku midoriya a boy who is fragile, weak and useless. That was his reality as of one doctor visit that diagnosed the innocent child as quirkless ... in this society being quirkless meant being less than a dog or a fly, most (sadly) die at a young age due to assaults or suicide.

bakugou: heh so you wanna be a hero deku, huh?

the boys palms spark to life scaring the timid mop head 5 meters ahead of him with his fist raised yet legs shaking.

izuku: b..back of.f kachan, l..leave him alone!

the boys eyes glinted with tears and his bobble like head swayed slightly.

bakugou: *punches his fist activating his quirk* your gunna order ME! deku?

two of Bakugou's lackeys both use their quirks to grow wings and enlarge their fingers respectively.

extra 1: heh lets get him

extra 2: sounds good 

they both say with a murderous smirk.

izuku then gulps, knowing what's about to happen

lets just say he was left on the floor with burns, blisters, and bruises.

10 years later

izuku: *walks in through the gate of aldera junior high*

*gulp* (*c'mon its going to be fine, lets go)

izuku walks through the halls of his hell, ducking and weaving through the mini crowds people formed with their friends.... friends... izuku almost forgot the word entirely after 10 straight years of abuse, neglect (cuz no-one would talk to him unless insulting him) and honestly ? just being dickheads. 

izuku: * opens the door and silently makes it to his desk* (see ? it'll be fine... right ?)


bakugou: *enters and immediately locks eyes with deku* "heh"

bakugou them proceeds to walk over to deku and... dumps water all over his head, drenching and pulling down the wild fury of black and green curls .

the class: ppfft hhahahahahahahaaaaa 'stupid idiot' 'loser deku' 

bakugou: heh enjoy thank deku? probably the only water you get you poor bastard *wide grin*

teacher: *enters and sees deku drenched and bakugou standing over him with a bottle in his right hand* deku... did you piss yourself again ?

class : HHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA did he ? 'who cares he stinks anyway!'

later on in the day at lunchtime

izuku: *sitting at a table in the corner eating quickly so he can leave*

izuku: (it may not be much safer but if the teacher is there kac-......bakugou won't do something too crazy right?)


Izuku: *speed-walks out and to their last class, history*

history was always a bad class for him, not only because most of the lessons revolved around the beginning of quirks and the teacher constantly brought up how quirkless people were hunted, killed or kept as slaves for hundreds of years, but the people in his class (you know who don't need to type it) were way more bold in this class outright punching him in the jaw a couple time right in front of the teacher who would sometimes say "get off the floor deku"

bakugou: *sees deku leave* yo boys, ill be right back

he swiftly leaves ignoring the questions he was getting from his "friends"

izuku; (c'mon I'm so close!)

he got grabbed

izuku: (yep I'm fucked)

bakugou: where ya goin deku ?

izuku: n...nowhere b..bakugou j..just ww..wanted to get.tt to class early 

bakugou: (he called me bakugou ?) heh, of course you would you dumbass nerd *knees him in his gut*

izuku kneels over in pain and hears...

bakugou: what's say we have some fun 

this is part one ill write part two soon i hope see ya 

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