Chapter 7

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You lean in the balcony railing, having a smoke. Puffin it out from your lunges. Flick the cigarette out. Snapped your fingers. Your wings appear.

Its been awhile since you Use your wings. The pain had gone away. But the problem is.  'Great... Did my dumbass forget HOW TO use It?!' You slam your palm into your face. Furious at yourself. With a sigh. Standing on the railing. You wobble a little, swinging your arms. But managed to keep your balance. 'okay... Here it goes...' your wings spread.

No longer pin neatly in your back. You test it by flapping them. You inhale deeply and out. "Here I go..." You mutter, about to jump out but stop.

"Oh... on second thought." You ran into your room then ran back to the balcony, Jumping out into the air you flap your wings. Walla! You grin.

Flying above the hotel. "My Babies Are Back!" You spin around. The wings wrapped around you. Then out. Flying around the city. You awe at it. The city was beautiful from where you're seeing. Your eye caught a bright light from afar. To your right. So far that you may or may not go back too.

'Heaven...' Your brow furrow. You sigh and flew back to the hotel. 'cannot go back... Not yet...'

Landed the hotel garden. You snapped your fingers. Puff. Your wings gone. You smile at the flowers. You pick one up. "How can I forget..." You whisper to yourself.

Y/n blush as the sight of her boyfriend holding a bouquet of her f/f(Favorite flower) in hand. He grin and came towards her. "Happy anniversary darling." He exclaim. Which you had tears brim in your eyes. He handed them to you. You admirer the beauty of it, sniffing it with your eyes close.

He smile. 'How I love Her.' He caught your eye Looking up to his brown eyes. "Why am I so lucky to Have you love." You replied just for him to lean in kissing you on your head. You Look down. "No..." He lift your chin up. Your eyes directly to his. "It's me... Why am I lucky to have a beautiful angel..." He tuck a small hair behind your ear. "in front of me." You chuckle lightly to his response, for him to kiss you roughly but then softly. While the background had the sun setting down.

You smile at the beautiful memory. Taking the flower in your hand. Sitting down by the fountain ledge. You sniff the flower. Then all of the sudden You felt a liquid from your right eye. 'great... Tears...' Wiping it with your thumb.

From the other side in the hotel. Alastor stood there. In front of the kitchen window facing the garden. Where you sat. His smile slowly became a small one. His eyes held sorrow. He watches you taking the flower petals out then you started to sing. He rose a brow thought you were talking to yourself. He try to Listen closely but can't due to the distance. So he snapped his finger. The kitchen door lock. He opened the window slightly. To hear the song he knew into the living world. He was right. He turn the mic stick on. Hearing your voice coming from it.

"Tonight is the night~... You won't have to worry~ ohh~... Cause baby I'm here~... Came fly with me~ so baby don't worry~ you won't be lonely~ come fly with me~ ohhh~ baby I'm here~... I always love You ohhh~, I can see it in your eyes~, I'm here for you~... I'll wait~... I'll wait~... till we meet again~~" Alastor didn't expect to sing along with you. He paused, realizes something.

The love of His life was here. 'No... There's no way... she can't be...' he thought and spun around, his hands going through his hair. His back to the window. He inhale and exhale rapidly. His right eye twitch. 'she can't be... I mean... They're plenty of woman who knows this song...' Alastor shook his head violently. His blood boiling. Spinning back to see you dance with the flowers surrounded you. He felt all his anger flushed away.

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