Chapter 4

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Y/n hidden herself in some kind of cave for two straight days. A cave you found in the deeper forest. Y/n wings was healing quicker then usual. Which isn't normal for an angel. Weird. . . Ignoring her thoughts. She rebadge her left tore half wing. Using her ruined dress sleeves from her left shoulder after removing the armor and the mask. It was no longer clean, but dirty and filthy.

The dress she had on, is mid thigh. She sigh. "How will i get back?" Y/n question herself. Getting up and standing out from the cave, watching the Pentagon city. The sinners breeze touch your skin. Closing her eyes feeling the relaxation. Y/n open her eyes again. She crept a smile at the end of your lip.

"I never knew this place could be so. . . beautiful. . . Pfft! What am i saying?! I don't wan to be here with the loser—such nasty sinners here. . ." Y/n sneer. Heading back in her cave. She Kneel down with her spear in hand, heading out for some food.

Y/n manage to kill some deers. Though it took a while. Living in hell wasn't so bad.

No demons knew an angel was around the area or an actual Exterminator who was bloody wounded coming from her wings.

Y/n scrape her hand made spear, making it sharpener, as the fire was lit. Touching the tip with her pointer finger she smirk. "This will do." Y/n grin. Placing it down; watching the fire slowly fading. Then she lifted her left wing up which she hiss, laying it back down. "Fuck!" Y/n lays down with both of her arms on the hell grounds. Steading her breathing.

You look up, seeing the sky was about to be bloody dark. Standing up slowly. You grabbed the deer skin and your spear. Placing it behind you.

The deer skin was created out as a robe. Covering it over your head down to your ankles. Tying it into a knot. While your horns was sticking out. Your wings hidden underneath it. Lowering your head with your arms inside. Walking out of the forest to the city. What you really need was actual food, not just deer.

The way to the town. Y/n growl seeing demons everywhere. She huff and went on. No demons can't see her actual face. Only darkness is shown from underneath the red hood. Even if they look down at you. They will only see, one glowing eye. One had an X's on the left eye of her pupil.

Passing by the town with the things you manage to get. Took a few look around the place before spotting a single Hotel. 'grant opening!' Y/n smirk and walked to the area.

You step up to the double door. The design was an apple. Who thought of that? Removing the top cover from your head.

Showing the pointed horn. With white stripes(if not you chose). Your hair out into a Long/short ponytail. Tie around into a f/c bow. You knocked on the door in a rhythm. It took a few minutes until the door swing open.

"Hellooo there!" Y/n wave but the door was slammed shut with her left eye twitch. You were about to knock again, but it opens revealing a blonde hair girl with red cheeks. She smiled shyly and stood up straight. "Hey! Are you plan-"

Y/n didn't let her finish and walk in. Ain't got time for that! Y/n was stopped by a girl who had a red bow behind her long white hair. Her one point harpoon place in both of her hands. The tip directly at you. Glaring at you with her eye, while her teeth were showing. looking at her appearance, you smirk. "Let me guess. . . your a moth demon?"

Her eyes widen. You grabbed her arm and flipped her over. Which Charlie scream while you held the moth demon on the ground. She struggle against your grasp. Grunting, then the unexpected thing happen, you were thrown against the wall. Looking up having stems out of you.

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