Chapter 2

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Y/n fluttered her eyes and saw everything was bright.

The heck. . . ? Y/n rub her eyes, sitting up and getting herself on her feet. She look down at herself. A gasp escaped her throat. "I'm. . . I'm Dead?" Y/n whispers to herself while looking down at her hands and the clouds she's standing on.

"No, No No No!!" Y/n said quickly with a head shake. She dropped down on her knees. "THIS CAN'T BE!" She screams in horror and sadness, tears were pouring down her cheeks. Then she felt a present, but she chose to ignore it. To bother wailing then to notice the person behind her as she senses. They touch her shoulder and she looks up slowly with her lips quivering seeing his face. His face.


She jump in his arms. Feeling his warmth. She sobbed over his shoulder. He stroked her back. Y/n move her head to his chest. He lifted her chin up and found her glossy e/c eyes to his amber ones. 

"I will see you when you get there. . ."

Y/n eyes widened then she felt herself getting lifted up as a scream left her body.

Y/n jolt up, awoke from this strange dream while sitting up. "A dream. . . Just a dream. . . Haha. . . Just a stupid dream. . ." Y/n said to herself feeling like she was going crazy. She wipes the sweats that were forming down her forehead.

"What dream?"

Y/n turn her head quickly to the voice. It was a man. An Angel. He was fair skinned, two pairs of wings that were white and a yellow halo hovering his light hair. He had green eyes.

"What are you talking about?. . . Is it not?!" Y/n sounded scared at this point.

"Sorry, but er— No. It's not." The male angel replied with a frown feeling sympathy for the young woman in front of him.

Y/n shook her head not believing him. "Can't be!" Y/n was on the verge of tears again, she began to cry again, moving her knees up to her chest.

"I'm sorry — but hey! You're not feeling anymore pain with the mortal now." The angel tries to reassure her with his joke. Though it did help her a bit.

Y/n nodded her head before wiping the tears away. "Yeah. . . Is. . . Is there a mirror. . . here?"

He smiled softly at her and went to fly up, then came back down with a mirror. He hands it to her. Y/n lift it up to see her eyes were normal. Not to say her wings were huge. The wings were white with f/c. Nothing looks hurt or wounded on her. Y/n small smile and thank him as he smiles brightly at her and escort her to the gate of heaven.

"Sorry that I haven't mentioned!" He cleared his throat. "Welcome to heaven!" He uttered joyfully with his hands out.

"Heaven." Y/n repeated under her breath before she fainted.

* * * *

It's been five years, since the day Y/n arrived in heaven. She was 28. Everything was nice and friendly. It was beautiful. Gold and white around, around with some silver. Y/n was happy that she was up here. She got the chance to watch her son when she had a chance too.

Darren was now 15. Unexpected for him, he ran away from his grandparents with a girl in hand. The girl he love. What warm Y/n heart was the fact he always came to visit your grave every holiday, to which made Y/n smile. He even thanked you for being there for him and being the best mom he could ever have.

But deep down Y/n miss her son. She hopes some day she will get to see him in person. In heaven with her.

Living here, was simple. Just don't break any rules. Yes, they may be strict, but it was heaven of course. There's no pain at all. But if the rules were not obeyed, they would be punished or locked up in hell.

For example, if a mortal was about to kill themself. Angels are not allowed to help unless the task was given. If any angels decide to go down to the mortal world without permission or in their free will they will fall down to hell, lock up and feeling powerless with pain. Even if you are kind hearted to help the person, it's still a no.

Being locked up in hell means losing their wings, as some say, the halo too. Locked up in a small cage. If you're lucky enough, they just make you an offer, an offer to become an exterminator to prove your worth being an angel. It was another chance not to go to hell for eternity. But as an exterminator, you'll still be locked up in hell until extermination Day. Known as:

"The release of the Fallen Angels".

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