Chapter Twenty-One: Lesson Two

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"What do you me-"

Loklynn's grip on his wrist, having loosened in her confusion, tightened again when he smoothed his thumb over her nipple. She gritted her teeth, eyes fluttering shut as he repeated the motion, applying a light pressure to the soft globe as he did so.

"Right there, the fact that you have to even ask? that's exactly what I'm getting at."

He pressed her further against him and began to knead her breast in earnest as he studied her in the mirror. His motions were slow, but deep, displaying the effortless knowing of an experienced veteran. Before Loklynn knew it, a soft, breathy moan was tumbling from her numb lips.

"See, I can't say I hate having you close, sweetheart; you can sit on my lap all you want, doesn't bother me a bit..."

She wanted to turn around and Punch him, jump out of his lap and forget this ever happened, forget that he had the power to so thoroughly sedate her this way, but dammit... Why did it feel so good?!

"But somethin' you need to understand," he continued, his lips brushing her neck and shoulder, "is that things've changed for you. You're a big girl now, Loklynn, you can't be so casual about this shit anymore. Sleeping in someone else's bed, letting them hold you... touch you..."

His prosthetic that been wrapped around her waist slithered down to wrench her left leg to the side, opening her up to the mirror and to his salacious gaze. Those metal digits rested comfortably on her inner thigh, stroking back and forth, inches away from where her apex was rhythmically throbbing with a strange, sweet ache.

"I was pretty shocked when none of that seemed like a problem to you this morning. You have no idea what could've happened... oh baby girl, the things I wanted to do to you," he chastised as she squirmed and panted under the ceaseless torment of his touch. "You'll get yourself into more trouble than you're ready to handle if you pull that naive cutesy crap in front of the wrong people. Bad people."

"B-Bad people...?" Loklynn echoed breathily. She was only half listening, struggling to pay attention through the onslaught of sensations washing over her.

"People like me," he clarified with a growl and a sudden harsh squeeze to her flushed chest. He chuckled pitilessly when she whimpered and tried to wiggle her way out of his lap at the sudden shock of pain.
Only at that moment, when she was more exposed than she'd ever been in her life, did it dawn on Loklynn what he was talking about:

"Sex..." The realization stilled her once more. "You're talking about sex, aren't you?" She asked, a stark wave of shock dampening the bubble of heat that had been steadily blooming in her core.

The look he gave her was answer enough. He stared at her, silently, seriously, as his grip loosened back into a more neutral hold.

To her relief, he moved his hand up from her breast, instead crossing his arm over her chest to grip her shoulder.

"You want to... do that... with me?" She whispered. She grew dizzy at the sight of another slow nod from him. The air around her became thin, her breath short and her skin clammy.


Now... she was a little scared.


A Fairy's Tale (Eustass Kid X OC) (ORIGINAL)Where stories live. Discover now