Chapter Eighteen: The Morning After

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It was three in the morning when Loklynn woke up and registered something big and warm cuddled up against her back. She wiggled against it and languidly stretched, leaning back against it with a happy sigh. The warm mass grunted and briefly pressed against her bottom before suddenly tightening a strong arm around her hips to keep her still.

"Gonna get yourself in more trouble than you can handle if you don't stop, sweetheart," it rumbled into her hair before placing a ghost of a kiss beneath her ear. "Go the fuck back to sleep."

Oh. It was a man.

Well, that was fine, no harm done. She'd woken up cuddling with Shanks, Yasopp, Benn, and the others plenty of times when she was little, and this didn't feel all that different. Besides, she was so incredibly comfortable, she didn't think she could move if she wanted to... Though she did reach back to slap a hand at him to shut him up, feeling his chest shake briefly.

At five o'clock, she woke again to roll over and swing her arm and leg over the warm thing- ah, a man. She forgot. He shifted, froze, and groaned quietly before carefully pushing her leg down and off of a large lump that she'd rubbed accidentally.

Whoever it was, they really should do this more often; She had the best sleep of her life that night.


It was eight in the fucking morning, and Kid was miserable.

He was sleep deprived, had the mother of all hangovers, and was more sexually frustrated than he'd ever been in his God damn life.

Taking Loklynn to bed was a very, very bad idea, the worst he'd had in a long time. He'd had a stupid, painful, pointless boner that came and went as she shifted against him, forcing him to lay there with blue balls for half the fucking night. It was pure torture, yet he couldn't bring himself to put her in her own bed. Shit... she'd put him through absolute hell and she didn't even know it.

'Fuck my life, fuck my drunk ass self, and fuck tonight, cause I'm not fucking Loklynn anytime soon.'


Loklynn woke one final time at nine o'clock, this time lucid enough to notice a few glaring differences to every other morning she'd had.

The first thing she realized was that her weapons were not beside her. The second thing she realized was that she wasn't in her bed. It took her the longest time to register that she was in her underwear and bra, and there was someone in the bed with her.

The bed they were in, though it was well over seven feet long, was only slightly larger than a twin size; due to the close quarters, she and her bedmate were cuddled up snuggly together. His right arm (It was a man; why did she keep forgetting?) was cradling her head.

The shock of red hair told her it was the captain himself. She was a bit confused to say the least; he was the last person she would have expected to cuddle with.

Actually, scratch that; he was probably the only one lazy enough to take her to his bed instead of walking ten more steps to her door. Besides, she could see him as a natural cuddler... kind of. Sort of. Maybe. It wasn't that far fetched.

She tried to stealthily push herself up and over him on her knees without standing up, but he was so damn broad that she couldn't stretch over him all the way with out touching him. When she was right on top of him, straddling his torso, his hands suddenly reached up to firmly snag her hips.

"Mmm... well ain't this a pretty sight?" He purred in a drowsy, satisfied drawl as he opened his eyes to look her over. "Wouldn't mind waking up to this every morning. I usually like lace, but... I guess the butterfly undies are kinda cute."

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