Chapter Thirty-Four: Broken Bones

Start from the beginning

She latches on right as Hazel walks back into the room. She's holding a brown bag that I'm sure is full of our food. Alana stands, introducing herself to my wife.

"I'm going to take her blood pressure and temperature, and then I'll be out of your hair." Alana grabs the thermometer, waving it over Mila's head.

"No fever and her blood pressure is still good. Alright. If you guys need anything I'm one button press away." With that said, the nurse leaves the room.


I'm munching on a chicken salad sandwich, when Mila begins to stir on my lap. She yawns widely, opening her hazel eyes. The first thing she says to me is, "Daddy?"

"Hey, baby. How are you feeling?"

"Owie." She mumbles, slipping the thumb on her good hand in her mouth. She eyes my sandwich, pops her thumb out, and reaches for it.

"Do you want some?" I don't want for her to answer. I just bring the sandwich to her face and wait for her to take a bite.

She takes a huge bite, smacking her lips hungrily. I can tell the pain medicine is still running rampant in her system, based off of the woozy way she eats. Her eyes flutter, a happy hum escaping her mouth.

"Is that good, ladybug?" I chuckle.

"Sooo guuuud, Dada." Mila mumbles around her mouthful of food.

Hazel snorts from the bed, trying to contain our laughter. Our girl is as high as a kite right now.

"Do you want some more?" I question. I'll give her my whole sandwich if it makes her happy.

She nods happily, a lazy smile crossing her face. I laugh, offering her another bite.

"Dis da best sammich evah!" Mila mumbles, slurring her words. Her eyes are nearly crossed and her cheeks are rosy. Poor thing can barely hold her head up.

I toss my head back, trying to contain my laughter so I don't disturb the other patients. My girl is just being too funny right now.

"It's that good? I'll make you some when we get home."

"Wha es dat?" She inquires, pointing with her good arm at my nearly depleted sandwich.

"Chicken salad, pretty girl."

"Wan Mama iken swalwad..." She mumbles, not making any sense. Looking over towards Hazel, I see her recording on her phone. Our kid is going to go viral if we post this.

"You want Mama's chicken salad?" I ask for clarification.

"Dada iken swalwad. Miwa eat iken swalwad from Mama bewbie." Now she's just mumbling to herself. Shaking my head fondly, I feed Mila each bite of my food until it's all gone.

Except that seems like the end of the world to Mila. She slowly and dramatically tosses her head back, letting out the fakest cry I've ever heard.

"What's wrong, pea?" Hazel asks through her chuckles.

"Wan mwore!" She whisper-cries.

"Okay, pea. Mama will go get you more. How many sandwiches do you want?" Hazel offers sweetly. Our baby can have anything she wants right now. As long as it keeps her happy.

"Ummm... Eweven."

Hazel's eyes widen and she coughs, "You want eleven sandwiches? That's a lot. How about I get you two and we'll go from there?"

"Otay, Mama. Miwa wuv chu."

"Love you too, pea. I'll be right back." Hazel leaves again, leaving me with our loopy baby.

By the time Hazel gets back, she's nearly asleep again. She seems to have forgotten about her sandwiches completely. We'll try and get her to eat again once she's not so loopy.

"What should I do with these?" Hazel wonders.

"See if one of the nurses will put it in the fridge for her."

"Here, trade me. I'm going to nurse her while you go in search of Alana."

"Or we could just press the nurses button." I suggest.

"Fine. I still want to hold her. Hand my baby to me." Hazel demands sharply.

Standing carefully, I pass Mila over to her mama, cautious of her arm that's in a sling. She grumbles, not happy that her sleep is being interrupted.

"Dada." She whimpers, her face scrunching up. The poor thing looks like she's about to cry.

"Mama's got you, pea. Do you want some milky? You can have some." Hazel tries her best to comfort Mila, all to no avail.

She sighs and passes her back over to me. I support her bottom as her head comes to rest on my shoulder.

"Always wants her Daddy when she gets an owie." Hazel mumbles under her breath.

"What can I say? I'm her favorite person."

"She just likes you right now because you're always at work." Hazel comments through stutters, trying to one up me.

My eyes roll to the heavens as I sit back down. I yawn, stretching my legs out in front of me. Mila will hopefully have her surgery tomorrow, so it's best if we get some rest now. I'm exhausted and I can tell that Hazel is too.

I don't know that the quality of sleep we're going to get here is going to be any good. I'm just hoping that I'll be able to get a few hours. With that thought in mind, I lean back and close my eyes.

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