.♦️. Mask Off .♦️.

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Will , did you piss in everyone's breakfast? I told you only Jason's plate" Alex looked at Will accusingly.

Will only smirked then we all left to get in the cars.

I was stuck with Alex and Will in the car , with Eren driving and Morty in the passenger seat.

Jason, Brent , Luke and Cole were in another car.

There were another four cars in front of us and four behind. They definitely have a lot of men.

We reached an old warehouse that was located in the middle of nowhere, it literally looks like it's hunted with ghosts and on the verge of collapsing. All the cars stopped a bit far from it so as not to grab attention.

All the men got out and checked their guns ready for the mission .

Brent approached our car and knocked on the window.

Will rolled down his Window and Brent looked at us seriously "Be careful guys, watch your surroundings, don't leave the car no matter what, if things go badly immediately leave . Do you understand?" He said.

We all nodded.

"Morty, Eren , watch over them and don't let them do anything stupid, if we didn't contact you in 45 minutes you leave and go back home, they can't be harmed." He ordered.

"Yes , sir" they both answered .

With that he patted Will's head and left with the others.

Twenty minutes later and all we could hear was distant gun sounds, no one had contacted us yet.

I was getting anxious by the second, and no matter how hard Alex and Wilk tried to lighten up the mood , they were clearly as nervous as I am.

"Does anyone want gummy bears?" Alex asked with a silly smile, holding a packet of Harribos in his hand. But I can see his legs bouncing up and down showing how nervous he is.

Will tried to crack a smile , but his worried face failed him.

"Everything is going to be okay guys" I tried to assure them and me.

"Of course, we have the best trained men inside; they'll be out with Mason soon." Morty said, trying to help.

Suddenly we heard a loud bang and we could see smoke and fire rising up from the right side of the warehouse.

Alex frantically opened the door and got out to get a better look. His hands were tugging his hair as he stood gaping at the view.

Will got out after him and held his younger brother in a sideway hug and tugged on his shoulder trying to get him back in the car " They're going to be fine, you need to get inside the car , Alex"

Alex was rooted in his place as he gulped down. Morty who also got out tried to push him back to the car but Alex refused to move from shock.

"Will all our brothers are in! We need to check on them ! What if they died? We can't live without them!" Alex exclaimed, his eyes watering.

"Hey , hey they're okay , they promised they'll all be safe " Will tried to calm him, but he was also on the verge of breaking down.

The Empire King | ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ