Becoming a Sith

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Jaune groggingly opened his eyes, the pain from his wounds still present. He tried to move but felt himself unable to. He founds himself on some form of operating table with his hands and legs restrained by red energy binds. His surrounding have also changed. He was now in a medical room that was rather dull, all that was thee was a red banner with a white symbol.

 He was now in a medical room that was rather dull, all that was thee was a red banner with a white symbol

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Looking around, he saw a figure in the same set of armor he saw before passing out guarding the door. He stood quickly as he remained motionless. But he wasn't alone, there were two other individuals standing at his side, looking at Jaune. The first was a main with black armor and short black hair with deformed features on his pale face, and red eyes.

 The first was a main with black armor and short black hair with deformed features on his pale face, and red eyes

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The second was a man in red armor with spikes on the back and well built. He had a red hood that cover his head and a silver and red mask that covered his face. Out of the two, the latter radiated more authority than the former.

 Out of the two, the latter radiated more authority than the former

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"Hello there..." the latter said to Jaune while the former turned to the guard.

"Leave us." he ordered him before the guard bowed and left. The man then turned back towards Jaune.

"Where am I?" Jaune asked

"You are in a medical center on Korriban." the first man stated, "You should know that, since you tried to steal from our holy temple."

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