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Jaune was not having a good day, he was running through the thick foliage of the forest he was in. Grimm were gaining on him by the second. Little over a month ago, Jaune was training to become a huntsmen, but his family, mainly his father, refused. So he decided to lie his way in by forging transcripts. He managed to get in, but not even a month into his first year, he was discovered by a bully named Cardin. Cardin blackmailed Jaune to do his own bidding. Eventually, Jaune had enough, but ended up saving the young Winchester from a Grimm.

But instead of feeling grateful, Cardin claimed that he himself was the one who killed the Grimm, and revealed Jaune's secret to the rest of Beacon.

Everything went downward for the poor Arc. His team completely neglected him, same with Team RWBY, with Yang and Weiss being the more brutal; constantly beating him up when they had the chance, and practically going out of their way to find and make his day already worse.

The student body was no different, same for Professor Goodwitch, who ridiculed him any chance they got. Basically making combat class hell until Ozpin had to keep them away from Jaune as best he could. But the worst was yet to come...

"Jaune! I demand you turn over your weapon at once!" his father shouted at him

Jaune remained quiet as he handed the weapon over to his dad. The man practically pulled the weapon out of his grasp before slapping him across the face.

"You are hereby disowned from our family, consider that you goodbye." his father sneered before marching out of the office.


But things got even worse afterwards, when the Council stepped in, one of its members just happened to be Cardin's father, who stated that "Jaune's presence at Beacon Academy poses not only a massive security breach. But also a major blow to the prestige Beacon Academy holds". Thus, forced Ozpin to expel the young man. A restraining order was later issued stated that Jaune was forbidden from being on Beacon's grounds ever again.

Now, the young man was making his way through the Emerald Forest, his confidence shattered and dreams of becoming a huntsmen gone. He should've known it was a bad idea to use those transcripts. But he hoped it would pay off eventually. But of course he now lost everything.

There was nothing he could do, anywhere he would go would bound to lead to neglection and harassment from anyone. The best place to go would be far away from anyone who knew him...But those who knew him had other idea.

Jaune was pulled from his trek through the Emerald Forest when he heard something ruffle in the bushes. Growing nervous, Jaune pulled out a knife he had on him; not the best weapon, but a weapon nonetheless.

"Hello? Who's there?" he said, trying to sound confident, "Look, I don't want trouble alright. I've had the worst week of my life!"

Jaune then felt his scroll buzz in his pocket, curious, he pulled it out to see who was calling him. But the name on the screen made him frown: Yang Xiao-Long.

Not wanting to talk to the blonde bitch, Jaune blocked her. Only for Yang to call again. And again, and again. Eventually, Jaune gave in and answered the call.

"...What do you want...? I'm gone, not a bother to you or your sister, or your ass of a team." he practically fumed into his scroll.

"...Jaune..." It wasn't Yang at all, it was Ruby, "...I'm sorry..."

Jaune sighed, knowing that Ruby meant no harm to him, "I know, its not your fault."

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