Lisa's eyes were closed, but her mouth, oh that delicious, sinful mouth, lips parted, breaths coming out in deep pants, biting her own lip, she arched her back, Roseanne knew how to get a woman to feel that way, she could picture just what Lisa was doing with her fingers between her legs to elicit that reaction. Roseanne wondered if Lisa was picturing her.

And then it dawned upon her. Lisa had never sought release this desperately from her. She had never once suggested or signaled for Roseanne to do more than they usually did. The only thing different about today was that Irene appeared.

Roseanne felt that tightness in her chest again. Was Lisa picturing Sehun? It made sense. They were exes. They'd definitely had a lot of sex once upon a time. Did Lisa call Sehun back after she'd left? Did they have sex in that bed?

Roseanne could have sworn she was losing the will to breathe, she needed air. And then suddenly she heard Lisa's breaths pick up speed, turn louder, the moans grew higher pitched, she was never this vocal when they made out, is Lisa  really this vocal when she comes, Roseanne wanted to know, she wanted to experience it for herself. But her heart ached to think, that Lisa  wanted someone else.


Roseanne's mind went blank. Her whole world shifted off its axis. And if hearing Lisa moan her name in ecstasy wasn't enough of a shocker to her, she realized she was frozen and couldn't move her feet to quickly take cover, and Lisa opened her eyes and saw her standing right there in the entryway to the living room, having witnessed that.

Lisa quickly pulled her shirt down, pulled the covers up to cover herself, even though she was clothed, panic in her eyes, "SHIT! Rosie, you're here"

Roseanne was speechless.

Lisa was still breathing hard.

Roseanne took a careful step forward, then another and another, and when she was closer, Lisa saw the darkness in her eyes.

"Were you...? I mean I heard you...I thought..." Roseanne was stammering.

"Roseanne, I can explain," Lisa said.

Roseanne got onto the bed, and then sat before Lisa.

"You don't have to, if you don't want to" Roseanne was giving her an out.

"I think I need to," Lisa said. There was something about Lisa's eyes, the way she was looking at Roseanne, the concern, and yet a wall.

Roseanne closed her eyes for a second, remembering the events of the afternoon. Of course, she owed Lisa that apology, Lisa probably hated her for calling her a fuck-buddy.

"Wait. Before anything else, Lis...I owe you an apology" Roseanne said. Lisa waited.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said. I know we started off seeing it as a way to comfort one another, to be there for each other, but I have to admit, and agree, it started to become something more..." Roseanne said, reaching out to take Lisa's hands in hers.

It was always easier talking about anything like this, when Lisa's skin was connected with hers, even just holding her warm hands gave Roseanne so much courage, she couldn't believe it.

"So no, I was wrong to belittle you like that. You're not my fuck buddy. you're ... you're my... Lisa you're my friend, you're my wife's best friend..."

She noticed Lisa shiver, and she noticed the tear fall from her eye.

"You're a friend, and maybe, I think... perhaps you're more than a friend now... I don't know..." Roseanne said uncertainty in her tone.

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