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I shuddered in fear and instantly turned around. It was them. Even if their cute , little smile was only drawn onto their face I just knew they were looking straight at me this whole time. Maybe hiding under the table isn't always the best option, but now it was too late. Once they knew I definitely noticed them, they chaotically jumped on me. I fell on the floor hitting my elbow knowing that there is nothing more I can do to escape. I tried to gaslight myself into thinking that I can fight them off but it was all for nothing.

Once I stopped trying to break out they tore off my "Partygoer mask".

-My smile isn't that crooked! - They complained, raising their voice. I was too panicked to respond with anything so I just watched as they started tearing it apart. The plate was made out of paper but it shouldn't be that easy to destroy meaning their claws are excessively strong. When they finished they just looked at me in silence for a few seconds, probably wondering if there is anything more to break.

-Take off your mask! - They demanded. I was too frightened to react in any way. I just observed as they aggressively tried taking it off themselves.

-Stop! - I resisted using all the strength that I had left.

-You're not human and I know it! - They shouted even louder than before. It was loud enough to make my ears hurt. How can someone have such a soft and low-pitched voice, yet terrifying, raspy and deafening at the same time? -WHAT ARE YOU! - They continued trying to take it off as I was making an effort to defend myself.

-I'll tell you, just stop hurting me! - I begged. I didn't expect it, but cooperating in any way actually helped. They stopped, lowered their tone and replied.

-I'm all ears. - Hearing their voice change so suddenly made me shudder. I stared at them in fear for a few seconds not knowing what to say. I was shaking and I felt like I was about to cry.

-???? - They looked at me waiting for me to explain myself. - Will you finally start or should I scream again? - They warned me.

-No, I'm not a human! I am an entity, just like you! - I blurted, breathing heavily.

-Yes, I know already. I'm asking WHAT are you. - I started quietly crying as they became noisy again. Not telling them what I am will result in death, but telling them the truth will also result in it. I decided to be honest.

-Partypooper, please don't hurt me! - I begged them again. Even if they couldn't physically change their expression , just by their body language I knew they were just as confused as I was. The silence was never louder.

-A Partypooper? - They questioned me as if they didn't believe me. -But... aren't they all dead? Is there something I don't know? - They disappeared just to reappear again with a laptop. - Don't even move or you're dead. - They threatened me while they opened it and started checking something. I listened, not even changing the uncomfortable position I was in.

-"The Partypoopers WERE Entities that resided on Level 52. They WERE usually known for their polarity with the Partygoers and their peace-loving nature. Due to the events of The Fun War, this entity is now EXTINCT" - They quoted. When they finished they gave me a weird stare waiting for me to say anything.

-Is that the laptop from The Boredom Room?! - I noticed indignantly.

-Yeah, we stole it. - They answered. - ...Or so I was told? - They added as they observed my reaction. Suddenly it was quiet. -Oh. - They finally put the facts together, looking at me even more weirdly than before. -So you really are...? -They wanted to make sure. Then they noticed that I'm visibly sobbing. An awkward silence came.

Suddenly they grabbed my wrist and started to drag me somewhere. I resisted.

-I ain't going anywhere with you! You literally made my species appear as extinct! - I hissed and tried to break free. They let go, but right after they explained.

-Well, I sense Deathmoths near so it's either me or them, choose wisely. - They threatened me by using their terrifying and distorted voice. They looked at me waiting for my response. -I'm sure they can get the job done quicker=) - They added. Another shiver ran down my spine.

-You're going to hurt me, are you?... - I quaked, still hesitating. They looked at me in the most creepy way possible.

-You won't know if you won't check. It's either yes or no so the chances are 50/50, however The Deathmoths definitely wouldn't miss such an opportunity. I hope they like the taste of a Partypooper. - I was too scared to say anything back so I just obeyed them and let them lead me wherever they wanted.

We came back to the place where I first appeared in the Funrooms, but this time we went in the direction of the almond water that was left on the floor.

-Don't worry, that's mine. - A Partygoer reassured me. They grabbed my wrist again. -It's kind of a tricky area so I prefer to make sure you won't get lost. - They explained. I thought they are going to hurt my hand, but that's when I noticed that they can close and open their claws whenever they wish. I forgot about this one.

We took a final turn to the right where I noticed a white door with a PIN-pad. They proceeded to enter the password and opened the door.

-Come inside. - They asked me to go first holding the door handles. I hesitated again.

-I guess you don't want your wounds to be healed then. - They shrugged.

-You're the one who bit me! - I growled pointing at all of my cuts.

-True, but it was an accident.

-HOW WAS IT AN ACCIDENT?- I shouted. I wanted to yell something more, but then they just pulled me inside.

𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕕𝕚𝕕 𝕀 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖? Partygoer x Partypooper / backroomsWhere stories live. Discover now