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"This is so pointless"

"You're so pointless"

"Tell me about it, two more years and I'm out of here, what's the point of having me around?"

"I was kidding" I rolled my eyes as I straightened her tie.

"You know it's true" She scoffed and I sighed.

I stopped giving her assistance and took hold of her slim shoulders. I stared into her cotton candy eyes and stroked her cheek like I always did with her father. Well her soon-to-be father.

"It is not true. Two years of you is a blessing. I would've adopted you even with only a month until your eighteenth. You may move out but that doesn't stop us being your parents. Guardians maybe, by then you can care for yourself but nonetheless. We love you, we have loved you since you first wandered into our lives. We are going to go through with the adoption but first can we please get through this wedding?"

"Okay, Julian" She nodded and I smiled.

I adjusted her grey blazer and finally fixed her sky blue tie. She looked at herself in the golden mirror and smiled. Her long trousers didn't cover her converse even though she promised Noel they would and I disapprovingly shook my head.

"This was my condition, remember?" She cheekily jested and returned to the mirror.

"Not me you have to remind, darling" I chuckled.

She assured her long, curly brown hair was tied back and pinned against her Caucasian scalp. She double checked her mascara and prominent blush and made sure her cuffs were folded back.

"I look like a true gentlemen" She grinned, confidently turning to me.

"A dyke, maybe"

She elbowed me in the gut and I laughed.

"That's so not PC"

"I've been around your father too much"

"He's not my father" She grumbled.

"Not yet"

"God, what have I signed up to?" She groaned but I knew she was grateful. "Natasha Fielding-Barratt, I guess it's not that bad"

Without us she'd still be in that toxic home with an abusive father who forced her to work the streets to pay the rent. Funny how sick people could be to hire a girl with bruises up her side and black eyes to suck their dick and then throw her back onto the snow covered ground to freeze with only twenty pounds in her hand. It made me sick to my stomach thinking about it. If I didn't find her that night... If I didn't save her... If I didn't take her back to Noel... I hated to think where she could've ended up.

We knew nothing about her except that we found her battered and suffering on the streets but still we brought her in, gave her shelter, food, a bed and we didn't hurt her. It was more than she ever had in her life. Each night she was sent out she found our house and took comfort in us. On the seventh night of our generosity she opened up to us and I felt sick. We decided to give her the money to give to her father. We let her stay the night and fed her before having to send her back. It killed me sending her back after all she had just told us but she feared for her life if she didn't return.

One night she stumbled on our doorstop, bloody and broken. We took her to the hospital straight away but Noel had other ideas. He seeked out and found her father and in his rage fought with him, he almost died. I hired a lawyer while the love of my life and an innocent child laid in hospital beds, we were gonna bring the fucker to justice. Nobody was allowed to touch Noel like that, not on my watch.

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