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After almost nine years, the Psychopath trilogy is complete.

Wow. I can't believe I'm typing those words...

This fandom is so, so, so much more than I ever imagined it could be. Without you and your endless outpouring of support, these characters never would have made it this far. And I do mean that literally. In all likelihood, The Devil Inside and The Lies That Bind would've remained little more than a collection of scenes in my head, unwritten, while I pursued other projects in an attempt to find The One that would finally stick and land me a writing career.

But after receiving so much love from all of you post-Wattys back in 2020, for this story and for these characters, I knew I couldn't leave you hanging. And quite frankly, Calla and Cooper wouldn't let me rest until their story had been told. All of it.

I've said it before, and I'll say it just this once more.

Thank you.

Thank you to the readers who have been here since the beginning, waiting patiently for each new chapter, anticipating the twists and turns and cliffhangers.

Thank you to the readers who are just now finding these characters—and who are lucky enough to not have to wait for me to stop procrastinating and write already, damn it.

Thank you to the readers who have built such a wonderful community here in the comment section, despite being scattered all across the globe, commiserating and celebrating the woes and triumphs of these characters in equal measure.

Thank you to the readers I've never heard a peep from. My little ghosts, enjoying the story in your own way. I see you. I appreciate you. I love you.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

You saved this story. You saved these characters. You saved my life. And for that, dear reader, you'll always have a special place in my heart.

Until the next adventure,



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