I'm halfway home when I see Ronnie, my bestfriend, in a coffee shop with his new girl of the month. He is a football player or a jock as one might call it. He is the definition of "bro", only talking about beer, cars and girls. His muscles are clearly visible under all and any shirts he wore, and his height exceeded 6 feet easily. His blond curly e-boy hair lured in whoever looked at him.

Regardless of us being physical opposites, he was my rock, my comfort. He was MY bro. We would talk for hours on end and he never tried to hit on me, and understood that my interests lied far from the male gender. He was a typical masculine guy, but he was cool.

I decided not to bother him, and made my way home. My dad greeted me when I opened the door, hugging me tightly as if he hasn't seen me in a whole year. He is a single dad taking care of me and our cat, Onnie. The best little kitty. Hah, "little".
Onnie is a fat, white, deaf cat. He has been here forever, and it feels so good to just squish him whenever I get sad. His fur isn't too soft anymore, since he's getting older and rougher.

Dad's a pretty big dude, a mix of muscle and some dad-fat. His brown hair has completely disappeared, but his beard makes up for it. His warm brown eyes and smooth deep voice can make anyone feel like home. He is the reason I could stay sane in this damn part of the city.

"Hi dad, how was your work day?" I asked. He also happens to work on construction fields, but I'm not quite sure what he does there... something to do with pipes?
"Oh you know, the usual. We happened to hit some water pipes, and now there's a lot of damage to be fixed." My dad's deep voice rung, followed by a deep sigh. Sometimes his crew messed up, sometimes very badly. It was fun hearing the stories regardless of how stressed it had him.

"How's school, you still friends with that Ron boy?" My dad asked. He was somewhat disapproving of Ronnie, thinking he was only trying to get in my pants, being the kind of guy he was. Dad knew a lot of football players in his day so he has a certain image of them.

"School is fine, my grades are actually rising. And yes, Ronnie and I are still very close." I said, rolling my eyes playfully. Ronnie and I met about a year ago, so he hasn't had the time to warm up to my dad yet but I'm sure they'd get along if dad gave him a chance.

"I just don't trust that boy, guys don't believe girls when they say they're lesbians, all they hear is an invitation for a threesome." Dad grumbled. He has always been supportive even though my mother wasn't. He even divorced my mom for her unsupportiveness, you know, amongst other reasons...

"Ronnie isn't like that, I'll prove it to you by inviting him over some day. You can talk to him over dinner, how's that sound?" I tried convincing him to cut some slack. I needed the two most important people in my life to like each other!
"Mhhm" He gave a typical dad response. His dad noises amused me a lot, they make him the dad he is.

"I'll be in my room, come in if you need something!" I said as I made my way to my room. I should do some homework just so I don't fail anything but then again it's not like my grades are currently in danger... I'll skip for today.

We live in an appartment with two bedroom, one for me and one for dad. We aren't broke this is just how we like it, here rent is expensive anyways. Even when we had a full family, we lived in appartments. A house was just ridiculous in this economy, with these rising prices on everything.

I found Onnie's fatass sleeping on my bed and curled around him like a momma cat and felt up his chubs. Not that he minded, attention needing ass cat. I love him. He purred deeply and turned on his back to allow access to his stomach. Score!


I woke up to my alarm ringing, and shut it down. It is 7:10 AM, and my dad was already gone for work, seeing as he leaves to work at 6 am. Crazy.

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