| Lifelong Promises |

Start from the beginning

You blinked up, suddenly shutting your eyes to fight the tears that threatened to spill. Wincing at the pain in your chest, you got up from your bed, making your way to the bathroom. You hadn't realized that it was a little past noon when you finally had the urge to get out of bed. Trudging your feet on the floor lazily, you slowly opened the door to your bathroom.

The bathroom was the second room you spent most of your time in. If you weren't crying in your bedroom, you were certainly in the bathroom. Your family worried you spending time in there. They were afraid that you might be doing God knows what with the items that were located in the bathroom. You remembered the conversation you had last time you talked with them.

"Don't you dare scold me for staying in there for a long time! It's not like I'm a suicidal psycho tearing my body open just so I can feel something! So stop treating me like so!"

You cringed at your words of the past. That conversation was the final straw for everyone and they've just decided to leave you alone. Which, of course, was fine with you.

Since doing simple tasks were a challenge for you, you decided to simplify those tasks. You tried to wash your face on a daily and brush your teeth. You would spray dry shampoo in your hair and brushed it out at least once a day.

But, today was more difficult than ever. As soon as you walked into the bathroom, you were met with a different version of yourself. You didn't liked what you saw, it even scared you a little. You stared long and hard at your reflection, wondering if it was going to pop out at you and destroy you even more. But before your other self could even think, you let out a raging yell as your fists made contact with the glass, creating a sense of urgency in your mind. Glass is beautiful but it's too precious for your own bitterness to yourself.

You could've sworn you saw your other half's expression as fear crossed their face. Oh the horrors they saw.

"Why can't I do stupid normal things like other stupid normal people can?" You sobbed as trickles of blood rushes down your forearms.

Dammit. Even more damage done.

You thanked the universe that no one was home to rush to your side. Instead of dealing with the trauma that was caused to both the mirror and fists, you backed yourself up against the wall and slid down cautiously. You snapped yourself back to reality as a short whimper left your lips. Bringing your knees to your chest, you stared into nothing as your eyes grew wider.

"Hello? Anyone home?" A voice brought you out of head. April's irregular visits couldn't wait for your breakdown. You knew you couldn't cover anything up and a sense of panic struck you.

To make matters even worse, small shards of glass tumbled down from the doors that April was opening and closing. They were loud enough to be heard outside. "(Y/N)? Don't tell me you're in the bathroom again..." April groaned. "I'm coming in, and I don't care if you're naked!"

"April, don't-!" You cried but it was already to late. April's eyes were round as she dropped whatever it was she brought you. Both of you stared intensely into each others eyes until you noticed April's eyes gleam brightly. "I'm- I'm sorry. I told you not to come in..." April knew you weren't genuine.

Her mouth gaped open. "(Y/N)? C-Can you get up for me please?" You did what you were told and wiped your tears, forgetting that you had bloody palms. April gasped at the amount of blood and looked away, placing a hand on her hip as the other was gently hovering over her mouth. "Okay, it's getting worse. You have no other options but either come with me or let yourself bleed to death of your dirty bathroom floor. Your pick."

April sounded angry in her words, this caused you to feel angered as well. You snarled at the ground with your jaw locked shut. Though April had given you options, you knew she would just force you to go with her. Your glossy eyes looked up to her with a quivering lip. April understood your response and dragged you gently out of the bathroom. She quickly grabbed two old shirts that were laying around your bedroom floor and wrapped them around each fist.

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