37 an Epic fail battle

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As the pillars seemed stabled, she managed to wave another hand sign..
"Paper Angels Release!" Then a void appeared infront of them releasing a huge swarm of white paper...

"What in the world?" Madara glared at the nearby plant that was trapped in a clay pillar..


"Whaaaaa!!!! Dana!! Look!!! Look!! Kamize!! She used Earth style!!! Earth style!!!! See I told you!!! She's good in explosive thingies!! Yeah!!! Un!!!" Deidara cheered as he took konans hands and jumped like crazy at the back.."you too konan un! She used your jutsu!!!"
"Yeah! I saw!!!" Both of them where happily jumping high knowing that kamize has used their jutsus...


"Huh? Look!" Karin pointed as they saw white papers swirling around the pillars..
"What is that?" Suigetsu asked confused..
"Ah..that must be kamize" Orochimaru replied.. "such a huge amount of chakra!" Karin lifted her glasses up..


"Huh! That uchiha girl! She--she has a massive chakra reserve" Hinata reported.. "who is she?!!"
Sakura made a crusty look as she saw the papers formed into giant wings and wrapped around the pillars some swooshed inside the walls..


"Gaara! Look!" The Mizukage pointed..
"Huh?... that's.." gaara was stunned of what he just saw....


Kamize backed a huge space as she gestured for the others to move back..

The papers started to reveal seals.. as kamize clutched her fingers and said the command...

"Explode!" She shouted as the papers started exploding and the clay was starting to release massive explosions....it made the others stand back due to too much pressure..

Everyone was amazed and somehow was relieved...Madara jaw dropped and got a little worried for its result...
The kages was amazed as well as they witnessed the clay crumbling down....

Kamize stood next to sasuke and naruto..
Sasuke tapped her in the shoulder and whispered.."I'm proud of you" then he smiled at her..kamize saw his smile as her heart melted...

the smile I always wanted to see from itachi...sasuke....

Then the wall made of clay stumbled down revealing the plant....

Everyone was shocked ,all of them never believed what they just saw.....

"What the?" Kamize's eye twitched..... "whaaaaaaaaaaa????? It cost me all my chakra!!!!!!! And not a single Scratch???!!Damn it!!!! What is wrong with this plant?!!!!!!!" Kamize histerically pointed and sat flat on the Ground and hung her head in disapointment..
Everyone behind her sweat dropped the forth smiled sheepishly.."atleast she did her best" the forth shrugged and smiled..

Damn this plant! What the hell is up with it?? That was an extra huge massive explosion!
But...what if....I got it!
Its just like a simple plant! You can't easily destroy a tree on it's outer part! You need to destroy it from inside!...

Sasuke slowly helped kamize lift her self..she clutched onto Sasuke's shirt as she tugged sasuke's head..."huh? Kamize?" "Don't talk..I'll speak to you..." she whispered as she let go of him..and dusted herself.. she whistled as the wind raced towards her...
She captured its motion as she somehow spoke mentally to the three boys at the back..

Sasuke, Naruto, Forth!, seems like I won't be able to bring this down.. I'll leave it to you..but I'll try my best to slow it down from blooming..

All of them nodded as kamize smirked abd waved her hand signs..

"Earth style!: devouring earth!!!" Kamize was being eaten up by a huge pile of soil and disappeared.....

Hewuuuuuuuu! Min'na!!!!! Hey! Have you watched Naruto the last????? Or read Naruto Gaiden???? Well...my friends get the f*ck out of bed and watch it!
Anyway the trailer is on the media above soooo tell me watcha think on the comments!!!!


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