18 Kazekage & Sasuke/ summit

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Kamize saw the tips of the building were the summit was held she took a deep breath and continued on...


"Uchiha sasuke.... we need to talk" gaara glared at him emotionless.

" Kazekage..you blocked my fire style so effectively..... Gaara of the sand" sasuke looked at him straight to the eye.

"Your eyes are still as they were in the past....

Like you revenge was once my reason for living...but I came to realize.. vengeance does not resolve anything.

It's not too late for you..

Dont get obsessed by hatred, that you escape into a world of solitude

or else you will not be able to return" Gaara finished.

"Hmp! If I were to return what is there for me!?" as sasuke charged towards Gaara,

"I'll handle this"

gaara informed,

sasuke made his hand sign

"firestyle: Phoenix flower jutsu!!"

Gaara he held his hands up

"sand shower barrage!!!" and repelled sasuke's attacks.

"Sand coffin!!!" Gaara wrapped sasuke in his sands,

"Sasuke..your a lot like me...you've been walking through this world's darkness..that's why even a tiny ray of light ought to reach your eyes.wether in the past or now."

Gaara lectured , as for sasuke he tried to get out of gaara's sand he stopped strugling and closed he's eye's

"I shut my eyes a long time ago.... the things I seek lie only in the darkness!" Sasuke opened his eyes and the mongekyo sharingan appeared, gaara took a deep breath and--

"sand burial!!!!" The sands squeezed sasuke more tightly then it broke, gaara's face looked relieved then an eerie image showed up as the smoke diminished sasuke with a blue like giant rubs surrounded him.

"The hatred you felt is nothing compared to what I'm feeling......" he charged and swung his sword with gaara repelling every force he exerted

"my fury!!!!........my despair!!!!!!........

Is more than you can imagine!"

Sasuke cried out loud as he kept swinging his sword.


Gaara whispered, sasuke charged to him as he made a giant fist out of his sands and punched sasuke,

he landed on the wall.

"Your eyes hold only darkness now....you're consumed by hatred, and bitterness towards the world and your unable to trust anyone..... you even rejected the one who tried to help you your exactly how I was" sasuke gracefully fell and glared his mongekyo sharingan "AMATERASU!!!" sasuke casted his black fiery flame towards him,

Gaara only looked at him straight to his eyes.
When I was lost in the depths of darkness, gaara flashed back when he was still a monster himself........

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