"I can find other uses for you." He winked and I slapped the back of his hand, my jaw dropping with a laugh at his words. "We're hoping to find somewhere downtown, maybe Diagon Alley? Hogsmeade already has Zonko's and we'd hate to run them out of business."

I nodded, turning his fingers over and over in my lap, trying to focus on their store and not my remaining months of school without Fred.

"And hopefully we can find a flat somewhere close by. Nothing crazy, but big enough for the three of us."

I looked up at that. "You're moving out?"

"Well, yeah... I mean, might have to work for a bit to save back up the money, but yeah. Bill, Charlie and Percy are all out, our turn next, right?"

"But..." I didn't know what I was planning to say next. How had I never thought this far ahead? Going from being with Fred every day at school, at the Burrow. Obviously I knew I wouldn't be at Hogwarts with him next year, but I had always thought I would come home to him on Holidays.

"You're coming with us." He shook his head at me, as if reading my mind.

"Coming to live with you?" I repeated with a laugh.

"Why not? You've been doing it for years."

"If Molly doesn't kill you both for dropping out early," I started, "She won't want you and I... I mean... I never thought about this. This is awful, Fred! You're going to give me a stroke."

"Cassidy." He laughed, leaning back against the wooden frame of the window. "There's nothing to stress about. Finish the school year, get your outstanding's, and then get home. To me."

"I'll think about it." I answered, finally, turning towards the window now and watching the last of the fireworks flit through the air outside, leaning my head against Fred's shoulder and taking a deep breath. "But if I come, I'm paying rent."

"I might hold you to that." He chuckled, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me closer, neither of us minding the time, nor the fact that we had class in just a few hours.

I sat against the rough bark of one of the trees, Bri scribbling notes next to me while Hannah's leg bounced nervously on my other side. It was good to be back with them, even if it was by necessity. I had been feeling guilty over the amount of time I had been spending with Fred the last few days, even ignoring homework and studying, much to Bri's surprise.

Finally, the greenhouse doors flew open and Maddie joined us, flipping her long hair behind her as she stood before us.

"Well?" Bri looked up at to her, a small smile hinting at her lips. "What'd she say?"

"Marry rich." Maddie shrugged, dropping to the ground next to the three of us.

"She did not say 'Marry rich.' I laughed.

"Mm... maybe not in so many words. But it's better than any of those jobs she suggested!" She admitted, rolling her eyes slightly. "Archivist, shop keeper, broadcasting,"

"You'd be good at that one. Lots of talking." Bri teased, her eyes back on her notes again.

"Miss Abbot! I'm ready when you are, dear." Professor Sprout poked her face out of the doorway with a smile as Hannah climbed onto her shaky legs.

"Hannah, it's going to be fine, we love Sprout!" I gave her a funny look, although we were all used to Hannah's insane nerves after this year.

The blonde walked through the glass doorway and we watched as the figures disappeared into Sprout's office near the back before Maddie spoke again.

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