Briar's Point Beach/ I hope You Dance

Start from the beginning

A slap across the face and something wet and warm is smeared in her face.

"Please." She cried. "Please no."

"Look at the little baby crying." A girls voice laughs.

"Why do you guys hate me so much."

"Because you're a stupid fucking slut thats fucking why." The girl laughs again kicking Aria in the stomach. The girl crouches down to Aria's view and grabs her cheeks hard squeezing them so Aria can't move another girl holds her shoulders. "Why couldn't you have cut yourself deeper stupid bitch." The girl grabs Aria's arm and rips out stitches to a self harm mark. Blood pours all over the gym shower floor. "Die bitch." The girl releases her hold on Aria's cheeks and pushed her backwards whacking her head against the showers tile walls.

The world went black for a few moments. I woke up to a teacher calling for help.

"EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY!" She screamed. Picking up the girls smaller body and running as a trail of blood poured from Aria's arms.

A male gym teacher took ahold of the small girl and ran to the infirmary. "She was unconscious in the showers full of blood." The nurse had him place her gently on the examination bed as she called for ambulance.

Drifting in and out of consciousness I wouldn't fully wake up until the next day.

"Mom?" Aria's voice was hoarse. She needed water.

A figure appeared in front of her crying "Ari? Baby?"

"Mom." She cried. Tears spilling out of her eyes.

"Baby why? Why did you do that?" She grabbed Aria's hand. "You could have called me. I would have come and got you."

Aria stared at her mom. "I... I didn't do it..."

"Please don't lie Aria... you just got those stitches recently. You were released from the psychiatric unit the other day."

"Mom. I'm not lying. Morgan...."

"Aria what have I said about lying?"

"Mom I'm not lying. Morgan was hitting me." Aria began to cry. Big tears fell down her cheeks.

"Thats enough from you Aria."

"Why can't you believe me mom?" She cried as her mom stood up and left the room. "Mom don't go. Don't go. Don't go."

But it was too late. My mom left.... That day I knew my mom would never take my bullying seriously. I kept a lot of how I felt inside of me. I didn't want her to think I was potentially broken. But in the end I always thought and hoped... my mom would save me. In the end I will become this very beach she raised me on so can she can show me she loves me just one last time. I miss her love. I miss who she was before I got sick like this. She hasn't told me she loved me since.... Since all of this. I'm a burden to her. I don't want to be a burden to her anymore... I'll become her ocean.....

I love you mommy

-End Flashback-

I sat back. Tears were rolling down my eyes. Her own mom didn't believe her... I wiped my face and steadied my breathing.

"This was a hard one huh?"

"Did you.. did you know?" I stumbled on the words.

Luna shook her head. "I had no idea."

"Do these... do these get easier?"

She shook her head again. "Unfortunately the ones I've found only get worse."

"Worse?.." I shook my head in disbelief.

"Aria... was a beautiful soul. Unfortunately the rest of the world didn't see that."

We sat in silence saying nothing at all.

"Well Jimin I've made sure you were okay. I'll be seeing you." She jumped up and walked away. Her combat boots making a crunching sound once she walked away on the sand.

I sighed and reopened the letter... why did this happen to you Aria?

A giggle whispered in my ear and a small splash of water knocked the note right out of my hand and into the water.

"Stop reading these." A small whisper went through my ear causing every hair on my body to stand.

"Is that you Aria?"

"Is that you Aria?"

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