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"w-who are you?", I stepped back and almost tripped over a chair.

"Well how rude of me to not introduce myself.. I'm Jarred", He stepped forward smirking.

"What are you doing here?", I stepped back almost hitting the wall.

"Well well well, If I told you it wouldn't be fun anymore", He spoke up.

"How is this fun? What do you want from me?", I was leaning against the wall now my breath shaking uncontrollably.

"Nothing from you, but from Alyssa.. So that requires you to come with me", He smirked as he stepped even closer.

"w-what excuse me?!", I raised my eyebrows in shock.

"Step away from her", I heard a voice from behind him when he moved to turn around I saw it was Evan and Harry.. Where was Alyssa?

"Now why would I do that?", Jarred laughed as he stood right in front of me.

Evan and Elijah gave each other a look then out of no where Elijah jumped over by the speed of light grabbing Jarred, but Jarred fought back harder then ever. I felt someone grab me and pull me to the back door once we were outside I was able to see who it was.

"Alyssa your okay? Thank god Jarred wants you for some reason what is up with that?", I asked her as we quickly stepped into Elijah's truck.

"Yeah I'm okay and nothing", She looked at the little mirror on the side as if she was waiting for something.

"What are you waiting for?", I looked out my side of the window and was shocked.

Elijah and Evan were carrying Jarred out the back door the only thing weird was that there was a wooden stick through his back.. He was dead. I was hanging out with murderers.
I immediately went into panic mode on accident and shoved the door open running out as fast as I possibly could when I turned my head to see if anybody was following I saw no one behind me which made me feel relieved for about a second because when I turned back around I was knocked over by Elijah. 

"w-what do you want from me?! Getaway!", I yelled scooting away trying to get back up.

"Kylie calm down-", He sat down next to me.

"How can I calm down when you killed someone! A living being you killed it! You guys are murderers!", I yelled at the top of my lungs trying to get up but failed miserably due to Evan standing right behind me making sure I exactly didn't do that.

"We'll explain everything", Alyssa spoke up.

"Everything?", Evan and Elijah asked at the same time.

"Yes everything, she deserves to know", Alyssa helped me up and we walked back to the lake house.

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