Chapter One

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To say that Wei Wuxian was pissed was an understatement, the man was completely and utterly furious. Eyes a blazing dark red piercing through every single cultivator's eyes and pinning them to their spots on the ground. They stared up at him as he stood on the roof of what was, Wen Ruohan's palace. Thousands of cultivators were here in celebration of killing the rest of the Wen Clan and capturing the Ghost General, Wen Ning. 

When he had arrived he stayed silent, sitting atop of the roof and listening to the vile manipulative words of Jin Guangshan, the Clan Leader of the Jin Clan. He sat on the roof listening to him slander the Wen Clan, slandering Wen Qing's name. Wen Ning's older sister. Jin Guangshan slandered his name as well and he had to clench his teeth to force himself to sit and watch the Jin Clan Leader scattering Wen Qing's ashes in the air of Nevernight City. 

He waited until they were done toasting to the so-called innocent cultivators, spilling wine for them and breaking the small glasses onto the ground at their feet. And he couldn't contain himself anymore and he laughed mockingly down at them twirling his flute, Chenqing, between his fingers. The cultivators at first ignored him and Jin Guangshan yelled, "Bring the Ghost General!"

Wei Wuxian stopped his laughing tilting his head in fake interest before narrowing his eyes as he saw Wen Ning. He was tied and held down by talismans around him and seemed to be unconscious. 

He took this chance to finally speak, unable to stop himself anymore, "Tell me, Clan Leader Jin, who said the problem would be forgotten and forgiven if they turned themselves in? Hm?" His voice was deep and laced with barely held back anger. 

Jin Guangshan swallowed, the man was scared, rightfully so, but he couldn't let Wei Wuxian know. Or any of the other cultivators in front of him. Instead, he just turned and stared up at the demonic cultivator placing a hand on his hip as this were just any other conversation he was having with anybody else. 

Wei Wuxian continued, "Who said that? I'd like a straightforward answer."

Instead of answering Wei Wuxian's question, the clan leader scoffed, "We wouldn't be in this predicament if you just hadn't been so ignorant and impulsive by protecting a bunch of Wen Dogs. Wei Wuxian, you've murdered countless cultivators from all clans, especially the Jin Clan. And you've murdered my son."

Wei Wuxian could only laugh again standing up and slowly walking toward the middle of the roof. "You all paint me as the devil, some evil murderer. All because of the cultivation path I've created and chosen. Let me repeat that, I created this path. A new cultivation method that all of you ignorant fools don't understand."

Gasps were heard throughout the cultivators at his words, only angering Jin Guangshan further. 

"You don't understand it, all you see is the basics of how it works and call it evil," Wei Wuxian continues. Twirling Chenqing between his fingers again, a smirk displayed on his face. "You say I'm a murderer, you say I murdered so many innocent cultivators. When, in fact, we all know I enacted some revenge. Taking down those who were torturing, beating, and working those people to death."

Jin Guangshan bit his lip fisting his hands at his sides. He knew Wei Wuxian was right, but that didn't mean he wanted the man to be right. 

"And," Wei Wuxian said, "as for the Kiss of Decay I have no evidence as of now, but it was not me."

"That's bullshit!" A random cultivator yelled out, "who else but you could be able to cast wicked spells like that!"

Wei Wuxian eyes flashed red at the cultivator who jumped slightly at the fiery, furious gaze. 

"My cultivation method has been known now for many months. Anyone could find it interesting and get into it," Wei Wuxian almost growled out. "And knowing how much you all hate me for the method, they'll hide that fact about themselves."

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