Chapter 50

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I pull on black robes with silver embellishments. I brush my hair thankful that I don't have Potter hair anymore. I put on my circlet from Jare and call riel. He appears his wings hidden and in elegant silver robes. He grabs my hand and we walk to the meeting place for the contestants and their dates.

Victor and Cedric are here already with their dates. " Good evening Hermione, Ced, Vic and Dray."

"Hello, who is your date tonight?" Dray asks.

"Another member of the group."

"Another one?!"

"Yep I wonder how many I will have when fate is finally done." All my mates nod except riel. He and Hermione seem mildly confused. I grab Draco's hand and place it on top of riel's. Riel makes a face of realization so I let draco go back to his date."

" I am Suriel, pleasure to meet you all." He says with a bow. Soon fleur arrives with her date so we are just waiting for Harry.

He walks in and looks at me and Cedrics dates. "Ugh I can't believe I am stuck with a bunch of queers. I bet that you guys would have just gone together if you were aloud. It's disgusting." Cho looks at him in shock along with riel. Cho's face changes to disgust as she looks at him.

"Why do you have a problem it is quite common in the magical world. A lot of witches and wizards find mates in people of their own sex." Suriel says. Everyone except Harry looks at him with respect. Harry just gained anger along with his disgust.

Thankfully we were called to enter the hall. we line up with our dates in the order from the dragons. I take riel's arm when it is our turn and he guides me to the floor.

He leads me in the graceful dance. The night goes well I dance with my mates and my children. I tell them all to meet me at the entrance of the chamber at 10.

We eat and dance until about 10 and then we start to leave one by one. We meet at the sink and then head down and sit in the living room.

"So mum I see you found another one." Luna says as we sit down.

"Yep. As you can see I found another one of my chosen."

"Mum?" Suriel asks.

"Her father is one of my chosen. So this she is my child. Emery here is also my child but that is through adoption. I adopted his brother too." We spend the rest of the night talking and playing board games until it was midnight. Then we all head off to bed. Me and my mates pile into the master bed and fall asleep in a cuddle pile.

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