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(Star Labs)

Ben: So what did we miss while we were in 2049?

Caitlin: Cicada, or as I should say, Cicada 2. She took a device called the: cryoatomizer from my mother. Then she... killed my father. For something to add to the cryoatomizer. So the cryoatomizer can disperse cold air particles into the atmosphere that triggers rainfall. However, if Cicada can replace the cold particles with the cure prototypes she stole from Cisco...

Cisco: Which doesn't cure so much as it kills.

Caitlin: She could infect the entire City.

Iris: Along with every meta-human in it.

Sherloque: Not great but this dark cloud does have a silver lining. Which is if Cicada had everything that she needs to carry out her plan... would've already done so.

Ralph: He's right.

Ben: So what's holding her back?

Ralph: She must be missing something or else we'd be done.

Barry: Yeah, but not for long. She's not gonna waste any time. Whatever it is that she needs, she's out there looking for it right now.

Iris: Well, then we move right away. We get the cure to everyone who needs it as soon as possible.

Ralph: So we just up and release some game-changing wonder drug?

Barry: We tested it. We know it works. People need a choice now more than ever. Do we have enough for the cure?

Cisco: Not nearly enough.

Nora: Caitlin, how fast can you make more?

Caitlin: Guess we'll find out.
(She says as she leaves)

Ben: I got a question. If we're really gonna do this; where are we going to round up the metas that want to take the cure? And please don't say STAR lab's, because I for one don't want potential dangerous people to know this is our base of operations.

Nora: Ben's right. We need a safe and secure place to distribute the cure.

Joe: What about CCPD? It's public. Everybody feels safe going there.

Ralph: Yeah but gathering that many metas in one place is gonna make it one big target, right?

Ben: It's the most effective way to give the cure. Unless you feel like going to every meta's front door?

Ralph: Well, no.

Joe: Great. Me and Cecile will go talk to Singh.

(Joe and Cecile leave)

Sherloque: I'm going to warn Renée.

(Sherloque leaves)

Ben:(mind) Still can't believe he has a girlfriend.

Barry: Now, we need to track down Cicada. Get ready to face her if we have to.

Cisco: Let's take one step at a time. Follow me.

(Barry, Cisco, Iris, Ralph, Nora, and Ben; enter the workshop and see a part of the STAR lab's satellite)

Nora: Is that the satellite core?

Cisco: That's right.

Ben: Why do you have this? Is there anything that DeVoe, could have planted on it?

Cisco: I scanned it before it even entered STAR lab's. No need to worry there is nothing DeVoe related on it. And I have this because, Cicada's dagger was made from this.

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