Race Against Time

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(STAR labs)

(Ben walks in the Cortex after a nice sleep)

Ben:(yawn) Morning guys.

Nora: Morning Ben.

Ben: Nora? Do you go somewhere-

Nora: Oh, I went to the future to see if there was any changes to the timeline.

Ben: Did you find anything?

Nora: No. But I'm still hopeful. You ready Dad?

Barry: Yep. I'm ready for this court case.

Ben: What court case?

Nora: While you where on Earth-2, we fought a villain named; Weather Witch. She had a wand with meta-tech in it.

Ben: Meta-tech?

Barry: You've missed a few things since you left.

Ben: That means more homework for me. Yay...

Barry: Um, by the way, Felicity called. She said she has something you want to see.

Nora: Felicity? As in "Overwatch"?

Barry: Same one.

Ben: I'm going to visit Star City. See you guy's later.

Barry: Your leaving?

Nora: Yeah, what if Cicada comes back while you're gone?

Ben: You guy's need to trust me on this. If I'm right this might be something really bad. Who knows it could be nothing?

Barry: But you still want to check it out?

Ben: That's my plan.

Barry: Tell Oliver and the other's we said hello.

Nora: Dad!

Barry: Nora, I don't control Ben. He's an adult, who can make his own decisions.

Ben: Thanks for understanding Barry. Nora, I promised you I will help you beat Cicada and I keep my promises, but if this is what I think it is it might be worse than Cicada. So, um... good luck at the trial and I'll be back later.

(Ben heads off to Star City)

Nora: Does this have anything to do with what happened last week?

Barry: Oliver did say he would train him.

Nora: Is that really worse than Cicada?

Barry: Yes.

(Nora stairs at Barry with a blank face)

Barry: Oliver has interesting was to train people.

(Star City)

(Ben enters Oliver and Felicity's apartment and Ben sees Felicity at her computer)

Ben: I got your message what's up?

Felicity: Hi to you too...

Ben: Sorry, I rushed here as fast as I could. What did you find?

Felicity: Something that fits the long specific description you gave me.

(Felicity gives Ben some pictures of a car)

Ben: What makes this car so interesting?

Felicity: This car was seen a minute before it entered an alleyway, then a minute later the car owner found dust where the car was.

(Ben looks at all the photos closely)

Ben: I've seen this before.

Felicity: Where?

Ben 10 in the Arrowverse (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now