Ultimate Power

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(Ben is in his room when Nora runs in)

Nora: Ben! We found Cicada.

Ben: You did? Let's get him!

Nora: Cisco's not here so will have to use the extrapolator.

Ben: He's still in Antarctica at the Black House sight?

Nora: Yep, now let's go!

(The team suits up and opens a breach to Cicada's location)


(Omnies and the rest of the team come out of the breach, they see Cicada attacking a woman)

Omnies: You guys save her, I deal with him.

Elongated Man: Are you sure?

Omnies: Trust me.

Flash: Omnies, do your thing.

XS: We'll protect the victim, so don't worry about us or her.

Frost: Kick his ass.

Omnies: I've missed you Frost.

Frost: Aww, how sweet. Now take down the bad guy.

(Omnies turns into-)

Brainstorm: Brainstorm!

(Cicada gets ready to fight)

Brainstorm:(mind) In 1.2 seconds the dagger will be thrown; moving at 33.1 miles per hour.

(Cicada throws the dagger)

Brainstorm:(mind) Dodge.

(Brainstorm moves out of the way and the dagger passes him)

Brainstorm:(mind) The dagger will return in 5.6 seconds. Must paralyze target with a focused electro magnetic bolt.

(Brainstorm fires a lightning bolt at Cicada; paralyzing him for a moment)

Brainstorm:(mind) The dagger is returning... now.

(Brainstorm moves out of the way again and the dagger hit's Cicada and he falls to the ground unconscious)

Brainstorm: Target defeated!

(Omnies turns back to normal)

Omnies: I win!

(Omnies puts meta-cuffs on Cicada)

XS: Y-you beat Cicada? Even when he had the dagger.

Omnies: It wasn't too hard.

Elongated Man: Because you had your powers!

Frost: I still have my powers and I don't hear any complaining here.

Elongated Man: That's because... never mind.

Flash: I'll drop off Cicada at CCPD.

Omnies: I'll take the dagger back to STAR labs.

(Time skip)

(STAR labs)

(Everyone gets back and their ready to celebrate)

Sherloque: Well done Mr. Tennyson, well done. You beat Cicada in a very efficient manner. A clever move; using Cicada's own weapon against him.

Ben: I thought since the dagger gave him his power, I thought it could defeat him.

Sherloque: Yes, yes, a efficient plan. You may be worthy of being my apprentice.

Ben: As much as I love solving mysteries. I'll stay with crime-fighting.

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