"You should know better" Glared the moss head

"My stomach hurts!" Cried Luffy as he gripped his throat and rolled around "That was nasty!" He shouted as Nami and Usopp continued laughing their assess off

"How noisy..." Muttered Sanji as he was pouring a drink to a beautiful-looking lady while her date was glaring daggers at him "Could they be his bodies..?" He wondered while looking at the rolling Luffy

Sanji's blue eyes looked over the people next to the Straw Hat, First, he noticed the Swordsman, Then the long nose, But then his eyes landed on the orange-haired beauty, And just before he was enchanted for the rest of his life a certain (H/c) haired girl looked over her shoulder at her Captain

"Do it yourself" The Cheff ordered the ladies date as he just shoved the wine bottle into his hands not even meeting their eyes

"That's what you deserve Luffy" Sighed (Y/n) as she rubbed the bridge of her nose "You should know better than to mess with Zoro..."

"Oh, love..." A sweet voice ran through the girl's ear making her look to the side where she was met face-to-face with a red rose "I can't bear this hardship anymore" (Y/n)'s eyes widened when she noticed it was the exact same Chef "Go ahead and laugh at me" His hand was blocking his eyes as his soft locks framed his face perfectly 

"Why would I..?" Moving her chair back (Y/n) took the rose gently from his hands before inspecting it "Thank you-" Sanji's eyes finally looked at her as hers looked over the rose lovingly "-It's beautiful" She gave him a closed eye smile 

"You've got everything I've been looking for" Sanji spoke up once again as he stood up from kneeling to inform of the (H/c) "And believe me... I've been looking for a long time" He said with a wink making the ex-Marine's face burst into a red color

"Huh?" Raising his eyebrow Zoro's anger toward Luffy vanished and he was now glaring at the blond Cook

"What's he doing?" Luffy muttered as he slowly stood up with a clenched fist

"But it's so tragic-" The man spoke up once again making (Y/n) raise her eyebrow "-There's too great of an obstacle between us" 

"That obstacle is me, Right, Sanji?" A wooden leg was placed on the ground making everyone turn to the head Chef, Zeff.

"Damn geezer" Muttered Sanji as he turned away from the confused girl

"This is a good opportunity," The Chef said "Why don't you become a Pirate with them?" This sentence made Sanji turn around quicker than light as his body shook with anger "You're no longer needed at this restaurant" 

"Hey you, Damn geezer" With hands in his pockets Sanji sent him an angry glare "I'm the Sous Chef here! What do you mean you no longer need me?" 

"You often get into trouble with customers-" Leaning back on one of the tables Zeff crossed his arms over his chest "-You flare your nostrils the second you see a girl, You can't even cook a decent meal" Zeff continued while Sanji's patience was running thin "So you're deadweight to this restaurant, That's what I said" 

"Say that again..." The blond Chef glared at him with gritted teeth before he heard giggles from upstairs which belonged to the rest of the Chef's 

"Also, The other Cooks steer clear of you" Added Zeff "So go and be a Pirate or whatever, And just leave this restaurant already"

"Say what?" Sanji whispered to himself "If I keep quiet you just shoot your mouth off, Huh? You damn geezer" The male then started making slow footsteps toward Zeff who seemed unbothered with his arms still crossed over his chest "The rest I could overlook, But I'm not gonna let your trash my cooking. No matter what you say, I'll stay here as a Cook!" He raised his voice while grabbing Zeff by the color "AND THAT'S FINAL!" 

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