Prologue: Distress

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What happened?

Those were the thoughts of a blond teen as he groggily opened his eyes. In contrast to the gusts of wind, swaying the leaves on trees, all he felt was the sensation of gritty, tiny particles of sand.

His eyes scanned the newfound surroundings, his vision being limited since he laid face first on the sand, his left cheek touching the sand. He aimlessly let his golden color eyes wander around the area.

The teen simply had no energy to do any further investigation. Suddenly a distressing memory popped into his mind, making him clutch his head in pain.

That's right...

I was separated from my sister.

All because of that unknown god...!

If I ever—

All of a sudden, he aggressively thrusted his head onto the sand, the impact caused a tiny bruise to appear on his face. He kept his head down, a frown being hidden due his face being hidden.

Just what am I thinking? It's useless holding a grudge against her. Finding my sister is a higher priority than exacting revenge.

Normally I wouldn't get this emotional about something like this, but how can I not?

My sister, Lumine, the one who traveled besides me for millennia, we have traveled to so many worlds together. Now, I'm stuck in this unfamiliar world.

To be robbed of the person who you spent all your life with...


It hurts.

No amount of physical pain can come close to this.

My doubts of her safety are even more concerning. Is she alive? If so, how? She got engulfed by the attack, I can't see her being too well even if she survived.

The blond teen shook his head. With a grunt, he stood up, ignoring his feelings. It didn't work as he quickly found flat rock, and sat down on it. He picked up a tiny rock, flinging it towards the water.

To make matters worse my powers are sealed, and I lost my power. I'm far from what I once was. I doubt I could even challenge the unknown god in my weakened state.

Alone in an Unfamiliar World.

This basically summarizes my current situation.

His head hung low, a deep sense of laziness welled up inside him. This bothered him as he took a sigh, and shook his head in disappointment. Disappointed in himself.

I don't want to do anything, but I cannot give up. Why? Well, there might be a chance Lumine is alive and in this world, I can't wallow in self pity when I can be using my time to search for Lumine.

Even if the chances are slim, even if it's unlikely, even if it's near impossible, even if there is the tiniest of percentages, I'm fully willing to take them.

All for her.

With his determination being bigger than ever, the male teen sought to find his sister. But before that, he had to recognize the area. The location was a beach, a forest near the beach. This explained the rustling of leaves.

He walked towards a nearby tree, a red spherical object hung on one of the tree branches. He proceeded to cupped his hand around on the red food, gripping it before he plucked it out.

It should be safe to eat an apple. This is an apple, right? Well, it should be safer than the plump fruit with a color like the sunset. I cannot die of food poisoning, how embarrassing would that be?

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