°•𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 7•°

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The feeling of my hearts pulsing flesh hammering against my ribcage caused a sharp pain to form inside my chest. Right now I'm in the car with the boys, they aren't exactly happy finding me hanging out with both Beverly and the Losers. I'm sitting on Patrick's lap, his lanky arms are wrapped around my waist securely. Barley giving me any room to breath. The car is deadly silent, the only soure of sound was the wind hittng against the car lightly. As I glance out the window I can see the reflection of Henry giving me a death glare. I gulped knowing that once we get home I was in deep shit.

As we pulled into the driveway of the house I immediately got out the car and walked inside the house In a record of time. My mind was hazy, I just wanted to be alone. I could hear the footsteps of the guy's closely beind me but I payed no attention to it. I just wanted to be in my room, underneath the covers, feeling it's warmth wrap around my body giving me a sense of comfort.

"Y/n get back here." Henry said sternly.

I brushed it off continuing to walk through the living room. I let out a silent scream as I felt myself being pushed against the wall. I groaned in pain feeling the wall roughly collide with my head. I bit my tounge to prevent myself from cussing at Henry. I'm facing the wall with my arms grasping it for support, my back is hittng Henry's strong board chest, his head is in the crook of my neck. I could feel his hot breath fanning my exposed skin. I feel trapped, I feel as though I'm in a cage. And I am longing to get out.

My hearts beating can be heard in my ears and my skin feels as though little statics of electricity are kissing it softly. I'm frozen not knowing what to do. I'm motionless not knowing what's to come.

"Why did you do that." Henry huffed in my ear softly.

"Do what?" I whispered under my breath.

Henry took ahold of my arms roughly and turned me around. I'm now facing Henry, he's holding onto both my wrists in a deadly grip, my eyes have averted to his chest. I don't want to meet his deadly gaze.

"Look at me." Henry spoke calmly...a little too calmly.

I ignored Henry's request and moved my head to the side. He let out a huff and roughly took ahold of my chin. I could feel the bruises beginning to slowly form from his strong hold. He forced my head up to meet his cold blue orbs. I shivered staring into his emotionless gaze that was pouring into my own.

"Why did you do it?" Henry hissed.

He pushed me further against the wall, my lungs felt as though they were about to explode due to the pressure.

"They fuck should I tell you?" I sneered.

I spat in Henry's face, he immediately froze in place like a statue. His eyes were shut tightly due to my spit, he started to shake frantically. I too, froze, not knowing what to do. I knew Henry was mad (no shit).

"You are going to regret that." Henry spoke.

He opened his eyes, his once blue angelic eyes were now non existent.
I immediately kicked Henry in the balls and ran the opposite direction. Henry let out a cry and held onto his crotch.

"Y/N GET BACK HERE!" Patrick yelled angrily.

Fuck fuck fuck, I ran into the hallway and was about to run into a room. But a pair of big strong hands took ahold of my waist and lifted me up in the air effortlessly. I knew it was Belch, he placed he over his shoulder as though I was a sack of potatos.

"LET GO OF ME YOU FUCKER!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I punched Belch's back to recieve a sharp sting on my ass. I let out a cry due to the contact. I tried getting out his grip but Belch only tightened it. Belch continued to walk down the hallway. I rose my eyebrows not knowing what he was doing...until we were met with Henry's bedroom door.

Panic struck me like lightning, I began to scream and thrash around. I knew that nothing good was to come out of this...just like last time when I tried to escape. I knew that once I entered Henry's room nothing was predictable. Anything could happen, because Henry is pulling the strings behind the scenes.

"Please don't put me in Henry's room." I begged.

I clawed Belch's back to recieve a scoff.

"Bad girls like you deserve to be punished." Belch said as he walked into Henry's room.

My heart dropped once we entered the room. I tried to fight against Belch but of course it was to no avail. Belch threw me on the bed roughly and got on top of me. My heart stopped, I tried to scram away but Belch was on top of me weighing me down. My head snapped to the direction of the door once I heard various footsteps going into the bedroom. I knew that all the guys were here now. Memories of the last time I was in this bed rampaged my mind. Tears began to form into my eyes, the burning sensation in my eyes caused the tears to fall uncontrollably.

Belch took out a pair of cuffs and cuffed both my wrists above my head. He then tied my feet securely on the bed posts. My throat closed up and felt like sandpaper. My body was shaking uncontrollably, not even I had control of my body at this moment. I was in a vulnerable state, I was defenseless. Belch got off me and sat next to the guys on the side of the bed.

The memories of last time I was in this bedroom coutined to replay in my mind. It was like a film, but I'm re-living it. My stomach was in knotts, tightening within each second that passed by. God...what I have I done..
Hey guys, I'm so sorry that I haven't posted. I just haven't had any motivation to write recently. But know that there will still be chapters coming!

𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞  (𝙱𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙶𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now