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After an hour,

Yoongi had woken up. He sat on the couch and blinked his eyes as he heard some people talking about something. He looked at the desk and saw NamJin and Hoseok talking about something. He stood up and went to Hoseok, making the room completely silent.

"You slept well?" Hoseok asked as he caressed his hair. Yoongi nodded and sat properly on Hoseok's lap.

"What is in that box?" Yoongi opened the box and gasped seeing a head "Whose head is that??!!"

"Kija's," Hoseok said.

"He does not look this handsome and hot"

"Oh really?" Hoseok poked his tongue against his inner cheek and asked Yoongi in a deep voice. Yoongi knew he fucked up.

Yoongi turned his face to Hoseok with a smile and pecked his lips "Not more than you"

"That's what I like it"

"How can you be sure that this is not Kija's head?"

Yoongi turned to NamJin "Did you do a DNA test?"

"Not yet"

"Then do it!! I am sure it is not Kija" Yoongi got up from his seat, Hoseok's lap.

"Where are you going?" Hoseok asked.

"You will see" Yoongi took the box in his hand and dragged Jin with him somewhere.

"Where is he going?" Namjoon asked.

"I don't know but he should be fine since he is with Jin hyung" Hoseok said. Namjoon nodded and they went back to work.


With Dusik and Minato,

They were sitting in their house while drinking their drinks and ladies around them. They were talking about what they did and their plans.

"So, what will we do next?" Dusik asked.

"Something that will make him fall on his knees" Minato smirked "We will have to take Yoonie away from him"

"Yoonie? The little?" Minato nodded. Dusik smirked because both of them know that Yoonie is precious to Hoseok and that he can't protect himself as long as he is in little space.

"But then how are we going to keep him in little space for a longer time," Dusik asked as he caressed the body of the naked girl on his lap and pulled her in a kiss.

"I know someone who knows everything about littles" Dusik hummed in response as he was busy kissing and gripping the girl's ass.

My little angelWhere stories live. Discover now