Chapter 10: -Crimson-

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I'm not actually protesting this book for six months. That'd be really mean of me...

Okay so what sounds more interesting?

-A story where Overhaul is a good guy and the reader is his best friend

-A story where the reader is the eldest Todoroki sibling (kinda the opposite of this story lol)

"Meet me here tomorrow night."

Those exact words played on repeat in Y/n's mind, like a broken record set on loop. Y/N couldn't help but think about the purple guy--Toya--who wanted to meet with him. Toya had mentioned something about explaining why he left Y/N in that warehouse, but the villain also told him that he couldn't bring Kota with him. But why though? It didn't make much sense to Y/N. Kota had been there too so didn't he also deserve an explanation?

Y/N quickly shook his head. No. That was asking too much. Once Toya explained things to him, Y/N could simply explain it to Kota after. Besides, he didn't want to anger the guy by bringing Kota along. This was just something he'd have to do alone.

"Is there something on your mind?" A quaint voice snapped Y/N from his thoughts. The little boy nodded his head at Principal Nezu who sat at his desk doing paperwork.

"I assume it's about meeting the rest of your family?" Nezu questioned, expecting Y/N to nod his head once more, but instead he was met with nothing but silence from the tiny Todoroki. He was pleasantly surprised to find that Y/N didn't seem to understand what he was talking about.

"Oh silly me! I thought Eraserhead had told you already. After class today, he, you, and your brother are going to see your father and siblings." The principal explained, sipping from a cup of tea that was sitting on his desk. He calmly observed as Y/N processed the information, waiting for some sort of reaction, but once again, none was given.

Y/N still didn't understand what he was being told. Father? Siblings? Family? What did any of it mean? He couldn't remember the scientists explaining any of this to him. He felt so lost.

Y/N somewhat recognized the word "father" as he'd noticed people address each other that way before. He could only assume it was something done out of respect, similar to when he'd called that ice lady "Mama" after Shoto had called her "Mother." But Principal Nezu had told him that he was going to see "his" father which confused Y/N. Father was a title used out of politeness, so then how could he own a father?

"I don't... okay," Y/N sighed at last, sagging his shoulders. Sometimes it just wasn't worth the effort to try and understand what the people around him were saying. This happened many times with the scientists where he failed to comprehend them and thus opted to nod his head and agree out of fear that they'd discipline him for his incompetence. Instead, he sank into the couch, playing with a few of his toys and forgetting all that Principal Nezu had just told him. Honestly, Y/N wished Kota were here. He had so much fun pranking Midnight the previous day, he wanted to do it again.

The small child sighed, laying flat on his back. How long had he been here anyways? He'd already eaten lunch so classes had to almost be over, right? Maybe Shoto would come play with him later. Or maybe he should go ask Shoto to play with him later? That way he'd have a higher chance of it actually happening. Just when Y/N was about to get up, the door to the room swung open and Aizawa stepped in.

"Hey kid," He greeted tiredly. "Todoroki--er, your brother is getting ready. We're going to introduce you to your father and two siblings."

Y/N, someone who was hardly ever petty, nearly rolled his eyes at the older man, only it wasn't because of Mr. Aizawa. Y/N was oh so very tired of being unable to comprehend what was going on. He almost wanted to blame the scientists for his inability to have normal conversations with people. Keyword almost. He knew he couldn't blame the scientists because they were right about almost everything. They had... raised him, so Y/N had to believe that there was some truth in what they taught. Surely everything they had done to him was for a reason...? Y/N wasn't so sure of his own thoughts, but decided not to dwell on it any longer. Mr. Aizawa had told him that they were going somewhere and that's what he'd do.

Flames Of Fate (mha x male child reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora