Chapter 2: -Cobalt-

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The longer Y/N walked, the more sleepy he became. He could see nothing but trees, not to mention that the sun was starting to leave. A shiver ran up the child's spine at the thought of being in complete darkness. He didn't like that idea.

He was only wearing a gray long sleeved shirt, sweatpants, and socks. How was he supposed to stay warm? Plus, nighttime was when all the monsters came out.

Y/N glanced behind him. Well, he could always—

"No!" Y/N huffed out in a tiny voice. He didn't care how scary the dark was because Overhaul was still ten times worse. So, Y/N carried on, trekking through the forest while the night rolled in.

It had reached a point where the moon was high in the sky, the sun nowhere to be seen when Y/N found something out of the ordinary. Beyond the thickness of the trees he saw bright blue flames flickering in contrast to the dark night sky. As if he were in trance, Y/N ran towards the fire, the warmth drawing him in. Finally arriving upon the scene, Y/N could do nothing but stare. He was so transfixed by what he saw that he didn't notice when a man approached him.

"Now what are you doing out here, all alone?" A hoarse sounding voice asked him. Y/N froze, his shoulders tensing. He timidly looked up at the man, startled at the sight of him. There were purple patches under his eyes, and purple on the bottom half of his face going down to his neck. To put it plainly, he was scary. Y/N inhaled sharply, but forced himself to stay there. It was obvious that the man wasn't one of the scientists, so maybe he was a bad guy--a hero!

"Bad guy?" Y/N asked meekly, looking up at the black haired man with innocent, gray eyes. The man gave Y/N a hard look, unsure if the kid was poking fun at him or something, but finally decided he wasn't. The little boy was being sincere.

"Tch." Dabi scoffed, a sour look on his face. "According to the society we live in I'm a bad guy, yeah. What, you gonna do something about it?"

Y/N didn't say anything and instead pumped a fist into the air, giving the man a big smile. He was finally meeting a bad guy! Y/N couldn't believe his luck. He ran up excitedly to Dabi who ignited a hand in defense. Y/N halted, staring in awe at the blue fire.

"Warm!" Y/N said, pointing at the fire flickering on the palm of Dabi's hand. The villain gave the child a curious look. Was the kid not scared of him? He almost seemed happy to see that Dabi had been the one who created the fire. The villain sighed, putting out the flame on his hand and started walking away from Y/N. He wasn't there to deal with wide-eyed children. He had a mission and that was to get Katsuki Bakugo.

As Y/N watched the man walk away, a horrible feeling started to bubble inside him. His bottom lip started to quiver and his breathing started to quicken. He didn't want to be left alone in the dark, scary forest, so Y/N dashed at the man and pulled on the dark blue cloak he was wearing.

Dabi grunted, turning around to look at the kid who was tugging on him. The villain lit his palm yet again in attempts to scare the little boy away, but then something caught his attention. There was something different about the kid, something almost familiar about him. Dabi studied Y/N for a quick moment, trying to think if he'd seen the child somewhere, but nothing came to mind. The boy's hair was a very dirty brown with a tint of red. It honestly looked like it hadn't been washed in some time. He also wore dirtied gray clothes--he didn't even have shoes on. But the moment Dabi looked into Y/N's eyes, he knew something was different. He wasn't just any little boy, Y/N had seen things that no kid should. In those regards, he was ever so slightly similar to the man that had once gone by the name Toya Todoroki.

Dabi pushed those unwanted thoughts away. Just who was this kid? Why was he bringing up memories that Dabi had tried for so long to burn away? It must've been his eyes, Dabi decided. Y/N's eyes were a soft gray, gentle just like his mother's had been. That's why the little boy was affecting him so much, because he reminded him of his mother.

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