Chapter 1: -Yellow-

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It was incredible. A remarkable wave of ice was sent flying at someone's opponent, only for it to shatter milliseconds before impact. This same phenomenon happened a few more times as both opponents traded blows, neither one managing to actually reach the other. That was until the one who'd been attacking with ice decided to step up his game. In the blink of an eye, flames erupted from the person with ice and he shot them towards his opponent, effectively knocking the other out of the ring. The scene quickly changed, the focus no longer on the two who were fighting and instead on a man who seemed to be screaming at the audience, all of which Y/N ignored. He stared blankly at the screen in front of him, still mesmerized by the raw display of power he'd just witnessed. The part that intrigued him the most was the fire. The bright orange flames were amazing and they looked so warm...

Y/N blinked tiredly, imagining himself being warmed by the flames and feeling their heat. Deep down inside he longed to feel that same warmth. He was always cold and wanted nothing more than to stop shivering, but he knew very well that it would never happen. The scientists had made it very clear to him that he wasn't allowed to be warm. They told him that the extreme conditions he endured made him and his quirk stronger. Y/N almost couldn't believe what the scientists told him because how could freezing to death possibly make him any stronger, but he knew better than to question them because they were always right. After all, they had already proved him wrong a countless number of times.

"Well Y/N," The voice of a scientist echoed into the room he was in. The boy slowly turned away from the TV screen in front of him and looked at who had addressed him. It was one of the female scientists, "Lady C" as he had named her. He couldn't remember her real name because it was difficult to say, but he recognized her voice. Now Y/N didn't really understand what quirks were or how they worked, mostly because he only really ever saw his own, but if he had to take a guess, he would say that Lady C's voice had something to do with her quirk. Sometimes, when Y/N wasn't behaving, or he was having trouble understanding something, the scientists would lock him in his room with Lady C where she could somehow make her voice multiply and it would sound like hundreds of Lady Cs were yelling at him. Y/N would try covering his ears whenever this happened, but it didn't help much and the cacophony of voices would just continue for hours, pounding into his poor little head.

Y/N rubbed his head at the thought and looked up at Lady C. He really hoped she wasn't here because he was in trouble again.

"Did you watch the boy with the ice quirk on the TV?" Lady C asked to which Y/N nodded at. His body relaxed, thankful that he hadn't done something wrong. Lady C was just here to ask him about the video the scientists had him watch. They had wanted him to focus specifically on the boy who had wielded ice and fire powers, though Y/N was kinda confused as to why.

"Good." Lady C nodded.

"He... good?" Y/N asked slowly, trying his best to phrase his question so that Lady C could understand him. The scientists got mad at him a lot because he would say something and they couldn't understand him. He didn't like it when they got mad because then he'd have to work twice as hard just so he could please them again.

"You mean the boy on the TV?" Lady C clarified. Y/N gave a quick nod, thankful she understood him. "No, Y/N, he's a very bad person."

Y/N flinched at the harshness of her words. That boy really must have done something bad to make Lady C so spiteful. Y/N shivered, and not because of the cold this time. He hoped he never found himself on Lady C's bad side.

"Now do you think you can do the same things he did?" Y/N's eyes widened at Lady C's question. So that's why she wanted him to watch that battle. She thought that maybe he could be like the boy on the TV, but Y/N knew it wasn't possible. He didn't have fire powers, only ice. Plus, he could barely even control his ice powers. The scientists always got mad when he broke something while using his powers, but he told them every time that he didn't know how to use his quirk.

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