Anala's dream

I looked around the dark room seeing nothing but darkness enveloping me. I took a few steps forward and began to see a faint blue light in the distance. I started to walk towards the light feeling a strange sense of calming. As the light drew closer I felt more at ease, a familiar aura surrounding it. As I approached I saw the light was a woman dressed in blue a cloak concealing her face. I recognized the woman to be the same woman from the cave all those years ago.

"Hello?" I said raising an eyebrow at the unknown woman.

She turned towards me and spoke.

"Hello my dear child" she spoke her voice as calming as the living force.

"What am I here for?" I said feeling this was a vision more than a dream.

"You're on the right path, the path to unlocking your true potential" she said her voice warm with pride.

"My true potential?" I questioned my eyebrows furrowing.

"Anakin is the key" she finished beginning to disappear.

"The key? The key to what?" I asked not understanding her puzzles.

"You'll know in due time" she said fading fully out of view.

"Then what was the point in telling me now?" I grumbled in frustration.

End of dream

I awoke slowly and I was met with the same old darkness. The morning sunshine streamed in through the window and warmed my skin. I slowly became aware of the strong arms wrapped securely around my waist and the steady breathing of Anakin behind me. Anakin's muscular chest was pressed against my back, a blush crept up my neck and to my cheeks as I realized what was happening. I didnt move in an attempt to let Anakin rest after all that had happened. I felt how calm he was through the force, how happy he was while asleep and I couldn't bring myself to wake him up. Not after the sleep he lost having those nightmares. I closed my eyes again in hopes that I'd fall asleep again before he woke up. As I waited for sleep to take me I felt Anakin stir his breathing indicating he was waking up. To avoid and awkward situation I kept my eyes shut and pretended I was asleep, slowing my breathing and my heart rate. I felt Anakin's change in heart rate when he fully woke up realizing what he was doing. He stayed there for a moment enjoying the feeling before he slowly pulled his arms away from me and sat up getting out of bed. I felt him begin to put his clothing back on before he grabbed his lightsaber and left the room. I could still feel his warm presence even after he left. I felt a sudden longing to be in his arms again, quickly I pushed that feeling back down and locked it away.

"Hm.." I mumbled sitting up and beginning to brush my hair.

I pulled my long hair up into a messy bun pulling my curtain bangs down to frame my face. I began to put my robes back on, clipping my two sabers to my belt before throwing my cloak on and walking out of the room.

I was greeted in the kitchen with warm smells of breakfast and chattering of the Lars family.

"Good morning Anala" Shmi smiled warmly at me, "Anakin's told me all about you this morning" she chuckled and I smiled brightly in response.

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