90- Vance Angst. (Oneshot)

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Requested by: vances_doll
Plot: Vance gets kidnapped on a date with y/n, before y/n gets kidnapped a while later. Vance gets mad that y/n didn't kill the grabber.
Songs/artists I'd recommend listening to while reading: "Gilded Lily -Cults." "I wanna be your girlfriend -Girl in red."

Third person POV:

Y/n had finally asked Vance Hopper out on a date. The two were honestly like puzzle pieces and were perfect for each other, but both were too oblivious to realize until the day before. Y/n was getting ready to go, and Vance was outside waiting. Y/n finished and went outside to greet Vance.

"Hey, Vance." Y/n blushed at Vance. They didn't think he'd actually show.
"Hey. Ready to go?" Vance asked.
"Yeah." Y/n said before walking with Vance to the grab-n-go.

Once they both got there, they had a great time. Playfully pushing each other, bragging about pinball scores, and just acting like the dumb teenagers they both were. It wasn't until y/n had to use the bathroom that things started going wrong.

Vance was in the middle of a game, when two friends started play fighting. One accidentally pushed the other into the pinball machine... While Vance was playing.

"What the hell!?" Vance exclaimed angrily.
"Woah! Sorry du-" the guy didn't get to finish before Vance started to fight. The police arrived once Vance carved into the other dude's arm. Y/n came out of the bathroom while the police took Vance away.

"Damn..." They muttered. Y/n decided to just go home.

"Why would I even try to go on a date with Vance Hopper? Vance Hopper of all the fucking people...The dude is a goddamn psycho." They muttered before kicking a rock.

Y/n was now reading peacefully on their front porch two hours later, when they saw a black van with some wording on the side drive by.
"Thats a weird ass car." They chuckled before continuing to read their book.

After a while, y/n got bored and went inside. They went to their room and put their book away before crawling under their covers to go to bed for the night, forgetting to change into their pajamas.

The next day y/n woke up and got dressed for school. They went to school and when they were at their locker their friend Luanna came up to them.

"So how was the date with that psycho Vance kid?" She asked.
"It wasn't very good. You were right when you said he was a psycho though. He carved into a kid's arm over a game of pinball." They replied.
"Oooh, harsh for your first ever date, huh? My first date was pretty bad too, y'know? The guy couldn't even hold the door open until I got all the way inside." She said.
"Okay? I need to go to class. See you later." Y/n said, walking away. Luanna scoffed before turning to her group of the 'popular' kids, which had some bullies of Y/N's. No, Luanna never told the bullies off. She barely batted an eye honestly.

Y/n got to class and sat down before doodling to pass the time until class started.

After school, y/n started walking straight home. They were a bit confused as to why the same black van from yesterday started pulling over to the curb though. Distracted by the familiar van, y/n tripped over a rather large rock on the sidewalk.

"Stupid ass fucking kids! They always move goddamn rocks in the middle of the street..." Y/n seethed right before the black van's driver stepped out of the car and set his groceries down.
"Hey kid, need some help there?" He asked.
"No thanks. You sound like a pedophile." Y/n answered.
"Excuse me?" The man asked, damn near flabbergasted at that hell of a good guess.
"Yeah. Bye." Y/n said, walking away before being brutally yanked back. "HEY! Let me go! Fuck! Help! Help me!" Y/n shouted before getting something sprayed into their mouth and growing completely weak.

Y/n woke up, their eyes stinging like Satan's left ass cheek just touched them bare after he had eaten a Double Steak Grilled Cheese Burrito with a baja blast to wash it down.

"Augh! What the fuck!" They exclaimed, immediately covering their eyes and groaning while turning over repeatedly until they fell off the uncomfortable mattress, hitting their nose. "Ow-uh!" They said before sitting up
"How are you feeling?" A voice said from the corner of the room.
"What...?" Y/n said quietly before cornering themselves to the opposing corner.

The man got up before simply leaving the room.
"Damn..." Y/n said, actually feeling scared now. They couldn't help but start tearing up. They started crying. "So this is it? This is how I die? Not in a cool badass way I imagined. Dying after I actually do something important with my life?" Y/n asked themself.

They eventually got up and onto the bed, sitting down and contemplating while crying. Little did they know, this would be routine for over three months.

A couple months later, Y/n finally decided to try and beat 'The Grabber'. They decided to go upstairs for the first time. They slowly crept up the stairs, just to be greeted with the grabber shirtless, belt in hand.

"Naught child." He said. Y/n took a few steps back, until they were pressed against the wall. The grabber stood up and walked over to them before grabbing their shirt collar and dragging them over to the chair...

The next day Y/n woke up sore. They tried moving, but they couldn't.
"I'm going to let you know that I'm not done yet." The grabber said with one hand on y/N's thigh. The grabber started to violate y/n... In horrible ways.

Not too long after that, The Grabber killed y/n. The thirteen year old child.

Y/n woke up in the basement again, but they weren't in pain anymore. They looked around and saw Billy Showalter and Griffin Stagg, two of the dead kids.

"Did you even fucking try?" A familiar voice asked from behind y/n. It was Vance. He was angry and upset.
"Did I even try?" Y/n seethed, turning around to face Vance.
"Yeah, you barely put up a fight! You could've tried harder! You just sat there like a weak fuck!" Vance shouted.
"Like a weak fuck!? Well I'm sorry that I'm not some fucking psychopath that is crazy over a stupid fucking game!" They shouted.
"What the fuck!? Well I'm sorry for having a hobby other than being a pain in the ass to everyone!" He mocked.
"Fuck you!" Y/n shouted.
"No, fuck you!" Vance yelled. The two stared at each other, y/n teary eyed before the both went to opposite sides of the room, just to never speak again.

Zach: omfg im so bad at angst ima so sorry 😢

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