73- Soft Billy headcannons :)

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le couple a dansé sous la pluie, avant que soudain l'homme ne s'arrête. il regarda son amant avant de dire,
"Je t'aime."

-He likes to listen to the music playlist you two made together (which I'll make soon), but other than that doesn't really like to make much noise.
-Puts his face into your chest.
-Loves when you play with his hair/scratches his head.
-He sleep talks so sometimes when he falls asleep midst cuddle, he'll accidentally start talking about his love for you.

At school:
-Although a lot of people know, they don't really care much. With the exception of Robin, of course.
-Sometimes you two'll note pass.
-You two rarely ever get each other as partners for projects for assigned partners, but you two will still help each other out on them.
-You two sit next to each other during breaks/lunch.

-He'll take you in the early mornings if you want to do his paper route with him. (I know none of ya'll are morning ppl don't even deny it ☠️)
-He'll take you to local dog parks with Cooper.
-Study dates because ya'll need help sometimes. But hey, it is what it is.
-He likes to play with Cooper with you. Like, a lot.

-He just tells you and asks if you two can cuddle.
-If you aren't tired, he'll lean his head on your shoulder and trace his fingers over your hand.
-Sometimes he'll just pass out and you'll have to carry him to his bed. He'll subconsciously try to wrap his arms around you and nuzzle into your chest even though you aren't there. Sometimes he'll wake up from it and be embarrassed.

-Becomes slightly more clingy.
-Holds your hand more.
-Talks more.
-Hugs you a lot.
-Basically becomes a two year old all day. Following you around, but never asks for the attention he wants.

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