76- Y.R.A part 2

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Long awaited part 2 of one of Robin's yandere oneshots 🤓 his first oneshot to be specific.

"Of course it was Robin and y/n that fucked my chances up." Finney sighed before turning back from the corner and slamming his back onto the wall. He angrily gripped his hair. "I've killed three people for you, both of you! is that not enough?!" He angrily thought, slamming the back of his head against the wall out of anger. You see, Finney liked both y/n and Robin, it's just that he couldn't decide which one he wanted in time. Just before Finney was about to pound his head onto the wall again, he thought of a plan. The evilest plan, the most risky plan he had ever thought of. He was so ready, he already knew he'd get it done by the end of the week.

Y/n walked to class, so happy their crush liked them back. However, They entered the classroom and saw two officers standing there. The officers motioned for y/n to sit down before speaking.

"Now that you're all present, I believe you're all aware of Lindsey Brown's murder. We need to interrogate you guys. Especially a couple of you, due to some of you being at Ms. Brown's home recently." One said, eyeing y/n, clearly suspicious.

One after another, everyone was interviewed. Y/n already had a plan, it was to just be honest. It actually worked to the cops' dismay. The cops left soon after and nobody got arrested.

After school, you and Robin started walking home.

"Hey guys! Wait up!" Finney called.
"Huh." Robin and you both said at the same time, turning around to see Finney running at you two full speed before coming to a halt.
"I need...Your guys' help..." He gasped.
"With what?" You asked.
"I...Its uh, it's this project thingy." He said.
"Well you know I'm probably too dumb for it so..." Robin trailed off.
"Yeah, and we have plans together." You said.
"Please! Just once! I'll pay you two back whatever you need or I'll fail Mrs.Frizzle's class!" Finney begged.
"Alright. But just this once." You said. For some reason, Robin looked a bit off edge. You also started to have a feeling that Finney was up to some bullshit.

You all made it to your house and got inside. All three of you went to your room and sat down.

"Alright, Finney. Whats this 'project'?" You asked.
"It isn't a project," Robin said. "Is it?" Robin continued, standing up.
"Smartass." Finney remarked, pulling a pocket knife out, Robin doing the same.
"What the fuck?" You asked, standing up and pulling out a pocket knife out of your own pocket.
"You aren't even near failing any classes, so you wouldn't fail in Mrs.Frizzles science class over a single project." Robin said.

Only a few seconds later the two boys lunged at each other, fighting. You tried to intervene, but it was too dangerous. It wasn't long before the two were on the floor, both had a knife to the other's throat.

"So, y/n." Finney said.

"Who's it gonna be?"

They both asked at the same time.

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