Robbery gone wrong

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Mr. Bat and Zander had a big heist tonight.....go to rob the Good Guys' home.

They used a ladder to climb up the fires and electric fence.

"The bad guys, the once legendary bad guys, their my heroes" Zander says.

"Yeah they were the ones that inspired me to be a bad guy too"

"But are we really going to steal with them, I mean steal the golden dolphin, it's impossible no one's been able to done it" Zander says as they used suction cups to crawl on the wall of the mansion that the bad guys own.

"Come on don't you remember, the bad guys did it because and it was a success"

"Yeah but they got caught"

"Ok so it was almost a success but still, they got away with stealing for so long, their names were written in the book of legacy...but now it's our turn to take the title, and besides you heard what the governor said, I think it's time she eat her worlds and if we do this, we'll be know as the greatest criminals in the entire world"

"I don't know...what if the governor is right?"


"What if there really is a better life for us out there then being criminals"

"Zander Zander Zander, that's what she wants you to think, don't you see she's trying to get us caught so we can ended up like the bad guys"

They then reach the chimney and started climbing down.

"Speaking of which what happened to the bad guys, I heard stories about them, like they used to pull the greatest heist ever, I heard they used to be bad till they meet this child"

"And that's what happened, they let a life crime for a baby, that's the thing about criminals one minute you're the greatest criminals of all time the next thing you're going soft for a child...but hey I'm sure glad that's not gonna happen to us"

They were finally inside, they carefully stepped out of the chimney without making any noise.

"But wouldn't we get caught too" Zander asked.

"Oh would you relax, look I went over everything the bad-good guys have a tight sleep schedule, each one takes a sleep pill before going to bed, not even a tornado will wake them up, but to play it safe" he started to whisper, "we should try to be quiet"

But as they carefully tiptoe out of the living room, up above them was a large portrait of the bad guys, in the darkness It looks like wolf has his arm over someone, then when a car light shined it showed a 8 year old princess.

Their plan was to mainly steal the golden dolphin, now they Plan to steal something that's valuable to each of them.

In the theory room guarded by laser censor beams in the back of the room was the golden dolphin by itself.

But luckily mr. Bat was athletic and gymnastic, so he jumps, ducks and summersaults over the lasers, successfully he makes it and takes the golden dolphin.

Meanwhile with Zander, he was opening the safe and he takes half their money, they then went back to the rest of the plan.

They went to each of the bad guys room and took something valuable of them.

For wolf: it was his gold watch, shark: his teeth necklace, webs: her laptop, piranha: gold chain and gold tooth and snake: inside his hat a ring.

In wolf's room,

In wolf's room,

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