Maybe he says it to every woman now?

Bryan smiles cheekily "love." He shakes his head and kisses my forehead once again and lays back on the pillow.

"You've always been my love."


In the morning, he was gone. He had work to attend to and I had breakfast with Tommy, my mom and brother.

My brother couldn't stop asking questions about Bryan. My mom was totally for it saying we were always together when we were younger.

How can I not remember that? All I remember is an annoying kid.

Now, I'm on the way to the police station to write a report on Enrique and then to find a lawyer. My brother says he has a friend that's a lawyer that will meet up with us after.

My mom offered to watch Tommy walking around in the stroller outside as Spencer and I walk in.

They escort us to a private room. Two officers walk in.

"Hello I'm officer Fernando and this is my partner officer Bennett." The two men sit in the chairs in front of us with notepads and a recording device.

I tell them everything. I tell them about yesterday, I tell them about a few days prior when he raped me. I show them the pictures I have on my phone, I take off my scarf and show them the bruises and cuts on my skin from the mirror yesterday. I also have a bruise on my ribs from him throwing me on the ground yesterday.

They surprisingly didn't judge me for my profession. They didn't question anything about me but questioned everything about him. They told me to do a temporary restraining order for the time being for Tommy and I. They also told me they'd be arresting him and charging him for aggravated assault and battery, and rape.

I was stunned to see how fast the process was and they said they'd keep in contact with me.

Spencer and I are now sitting in a booth at a coffee shop near the station waiting for his friend.

I blow on my hot chocolate, engulfing the warmth it gives me as I hold onto the cup with my hands.

"So who's this friend?"

Spencer blushes picking up his coffee and drinking it even though it's scalding hot.

He sighs pursing his lips "someone I've been seeing."

"What?!" I gape, my brother has never had a boyfriend. Never.

"I know I know. It's shocking but honestly he's really nice. We're not boyfriends but we're taking it slow." He bites his lip smiling about his friend.

"Does he know what you do?"

Not everyone is okay with this kind of profession and sometimes it's really hard to find someone who going to love you for you.

"He does. He uh watches me" he whispers giggling.

"Oh my god he goes with you?" I cover my mouth gasping.

"Yes." He blushes "he really enjoys what I do."

"That's so fucking hot, you lucky slut!" I say crossing my arms.

He giggles some more "Just don't bring it up because he's very conservative."

That makes me laugh because my brother found a freak just like him but only on the down low.

"I won't I promise." I grin grabbing a piece of banana bread and eating it. I break a piece and give it to Tommy. He eats it happily.

My mom left, having to go work so I have Tommy with me but that's okay because he makes everything better. 

A man arrives, assuming he's Spencer's friend and he is fine.  Tall, dressed in a navy suit, black gelled hair and crystal blue eyes.

Whoa brother.

I smile as he walks up to Spencer calling him babe and kissing his cheek and wrapping one arm around his body as they greet each other.

Friends my ass.

"Hi I'm Spencer's sister Emma." I take my hand out for him to shake and he shakes his head at me sliding into my booth hugging me instead. 

The hug catches me off guard but I'm a sucker for hugs so he seems great so far. "I'm Mateo."

We pull apart and I introduce Mateo to Tommy as well. We start having conversations and ordering food. He holds Spencer's hand the whole time on top of the table. It's cute that he shows what they have off.

I've never had that. Enrique has never done that.

We talk about the divorce, in just a few words and he says I have a great case that I will most likely win. Win what exactly? I don't know.. I guess child support because I don't want anything else from him. He can keep the house. He can keep everything. Just not Tommy or the car I bought myself.

"Everything will be okay. It might get ugly at first, considering his actions. But the process of divorce should be easy since both of you no longer want to be together."

I nod agreeing with everything he tells me. He's a nice guy, knows his stuff and surprisingly is only 33 years old. Almost ten years older than my brother. He totally caught a real man.


I smell another book forming... hehehe

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