viii City of Dust

Start from the beginning

She nodded and followed his directions. First she whipped away as much of the caked on make-up as she could before moving on to the dress. As she pulled off the many layers the wind caressed her bare skin, exposed to the world. She pulled on the second dress in a rush, almost getting tangled in the thick fabric. It wasn't quite as warm but it wasn't nearly so flashy or cumbersome. It was comforting to know that she could blend in again in the relative safety of the underworld.

Jinx was already changed and ready by the time she finished. He lounged against one of the walls wit a distant expression like he'd been waiting there for her all night.

"Are you still angry with me?" Alice asked.

"About what?"

"About me being born to the nobility?" She wasn't about to apologize, but their was something in his face that worried her. It was completely blank, devoid of all emotion.

As soon as she'd noticed it that empty face vanished, vanquished by a smile. "I was never angry Dearie, it just brought something else to mind. An unfortunate mixing of memories, nothing to worry about.'

Those words didn't quite ring true, but she went along with it. "Mind telling me what memories those might be?"

"Ah, But I am a man of many secrets. Where would I be if I went spilling them to every pretty face I saw. In any case, it's a tale too long to tell if you want to make the train."

"The train?"

"Going to Arkans. You did say that's where you were headed? Though I can't imagine what you would want in a cesspool like that. It's the last one until next Thursday, and I believe you said something about needing to get there Wednesday. This second bag has enough food for a couple days. The money from the gent we mugged is stitched into the helm since you won't be here when this latest heist is pulled off"

She'd almost forgotten, caught up in the little pocket of reality that Jinx had woven. it was so different from the life she had lived before,and in the depths of her heart she didn't want to leave. In her private fantasy he asked her to stay. Perhaps things were better that way though. She had a job and she couldn't just abandon it the moment she started feeling safe. It was better if he didn't ask because she wasn't sure if she would be able to say no.

They walked down to a curve in the railroad, the ground around the tracks cleared for ten meters in every direction so they hung back. Travis and Al were mysteriously absent. perhaps they played a limited role in the current scheme. Not only would they fail to pass as women, but few would take them as polite company either.

After a few minutes of silence the tell tale rumble filled the air. Butterflies blossomed in her stomach at the thought of jumping onto a moving train but jinx had promised her it was the easiest way. She tried to tell herself that was the only reason she felt butterflies.

As the dark shape approached from the distance Jinx spoke up. "Hey Alice, if you find yourself around here again feel free to swing by."

She blinked before smiling. "And how do I know that I'll come back?"

A small pouch landed in her hand. "Because I'll be wanting that back, and you wouldn't dare try to steal something from me.'

Curious, she dumped the bag's contents out onto her waiting palm. A necklace spilled out. It was elegant in its simplicity. A miniature crystalline fox, perfect in every detail, hung from a delicate silver chain. Even in the half-light it caused spots of light to refract across her skin. Without a word she slipped it around her neck, gazing at it for just a moment before hiding it underneath the collar of her dress. No one would be tempted to steal something they didn't know was there.

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