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"My water broke" I say while panicking. "Impossible your only 7 months pregnant" he says. "You probably just pissed your pants, go clean up your mess" He says. A doctor walked in and stared at the puddle at water below my feet. 

"Son eau s'est-elle casee?" The doctor asks. "C'est impossible" "Elle n'a que 7 mois" He says.The doctor gave me a check up and I learned that I was going into labor. "Hanna how is this possible?" Zayn asks me. "I can't control this" I say.

I was panicking so much because my baby was going to be born prematurely. I didn't want to push a baby out again. "Can I get a c section?" I asked Zayn. "No you deserve to suffer" He says.

"Your pushing my son out" He says. "We don't know the gender" I reply. I was contracting which felt terrible. I wish Jordan was here she would've comforted me. I lied down and Zayn left. I was left alone with no comfort or anything.

A few hours go by and Zayn comes back with Jenny. "MAMA" Jenny says running towards me. "Baby" I say. "You can't hold Jenny" Zayn says. "Why not?" I ask. "I don't want my son to be around feminine energy" He says. 

He takes jenny away from me and she starts crying which caused me to get emotional. "MAMA" she cries. "GIVE HER BACK" I yell. I felt a sharp pain again while trying to get up. "Attache cette folle" Zayn says. A bunch of doctors and nurses come in and tied my hands to the hospital bed.

I was screaming from pain and anger but the doctors ignored me. I heard Jenny crying outside the room. Zayn came into the room and said "Right after this your going to a mental hospital".

"Tu dois pousseur" A doctor says. "You have to push" Zayn says. "IM NOT READY" I scream. "Where's Jenny?" I ask. "She's with a doctor" He says. The doctors kept telling me to push but I just couldn't, also they tied me up to the bed.

"PUSH, DAMN IT" Zayn yells. I try to push and started screaming. I felt the same burning sensation I felt while pushing jenny out. "STOP SCREAMING" Zayn yells. "I'm pretty sure its not that bad" Zayn says. 

"POUSSEUR" A nurse says. "I can't do this" I say while breathing heavily. "It will all be over soon" Zayn says. I push again and Zayn says "He's almost out". "Un de plus" A doctor says. I push one last time and I hear the doctor says "Elle ne respire pas". "Its a girl" I say while breathing hard.

"What no" Zayn says. "Is she dead?" I ask. I then hear the most adorable tiny cry I have ever heard. "Elle este vivante" A doctor says. "Can I see her?" I ask. "Your ill remember?" Zayn says while carrying my daughter. 

I then get wheeled away and I start to scream and cry "I WANNA SEE HER" "LET ME SEE MY BABY". I wouldn't get to see my baby girl, she was born on Christmas, my little miracle taken from me. The doctor injects something into me and I black out.

Zayn's POV

I don't want a girl I want a son. I guess once she heals she going to try until she gives me a boy. Jenny was allowed to see her sister right after we take her to the NICU. We got transported there but Jenny wouldn't shut up about her mother. 

"Mama" she says. "Maman n'est pas la" I reply and she starts throwing a fit. I grab her arm tightly and say "L'escale" and she shuts up. We waited for hours for them to heal the baby. "Quel es son nom?" A nurse ask. "Zaylie" I reply.

They allow me to hold her and I bring her to jenny. "This is your sister" I say. "Bebe" she says. "This is Zaylie" I say. "C'est Zaylie" I repeat in french. Jenny delicately pats her. Now its time to visit Hanna. 

Hanna's POV

I woke and saw that I was in a different room. My legs felt numb and I couldn't move. I saw some food on the table besides me. I saw a nurse walk in and hand me some medicine. "Vous avez un visiteur" The nurse says. I saw Zayn and jenny walk in. "MAMA" She says while running towards me. 

"Is that my baby?" I ask Zayn. "Yes her name is Zaylie" He says. "Can I hold her?" I ask. "No" He says. "I wanna hold her" I say. I began sobbing and he says "You didn't give me a son" He says. "Please let me hold her I will do anything" I beg.

"Today I'm throwing a Christmas party to Honor our new daughter" He says. "I wanna hold her" I say. "If you don't shut up I am going to slap you" He says. "In front of jenny?" I ask. "Yes she needs to learn what happens to brats" He says.

Zaylie begins crying and Zayn starts rocking her. "Give me my daughter" I say while trying to get up. "Sit down" Zayn says sternly. Jenny runs up to me to hug me but Zayn pulled her before she could. "Mama" She says. 

"I want to carry my baby" I say. A doctor comes in and Zayn says "Elle Devient folle" Zayn says. The doctor usher's me to sit down and hands me some pills. "What are these for?" I asked Zayn.

"To fix you" He says. Out of anger I threw the pills on the floor. "WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME, THERE IS SOMETHNG ABOUT YOU, YOUR A SICK MOTHERFUCKER" I scream. Zaylie started crying and Jenny was startled by my screaming.

"Your sick Hanna, we are trying to help you" He says. He try's to get closer to me but I slap him. A few nurses walked in and started wheeling me away. "Have a merry Christmas Hanna" Zayn says smugly and I began screaming.

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