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Jordan's POV

Hanna and I were reviewing baby names. "What about Hailey?" Hanna asks. "Eh" I replied. "Jaliyah?" I suggest. She shook her head "Isabelle?" she says. "Nah" I say. "Are you done with homework?" she asks. "I would have but you were talking too much" I say. "Whatever your a chatterbox anyways" she says. "Geez do you have a probe up your ass or something" I say while typing vigorously. "I have a baby up my vagina" she says. "That's no excuse for acting like a bitch" I say. "Why are you mad at me?" she asks. "I don't know why are you?" I reply.

She got silent and left. Hanna was very moody but its because of her pregnancy. Online college was a bit tough but I got through it. It was snowing a bit outside, so I went outside. I saw harper and her friends outside "Can I join you?" I ask. "Your too old" one girl says. "No I'm not" I say getting extremely offended. "I guess so" Harper says while rolling her eyes. We built a snow woman and had a snow ball fight. 

It was getting dark so I signaled the girls to come inside. They huddled by the fireplace while I made Hot chocolate. I felt someone hug me from behind "I'm so sorry for acting like an ass" Hanna says while she was fighting urges of crying. I turn around and hug her back. "Its ok" I say. I rub Hanna's belly and Kiss her. "We should check into the hospital tomorrow" I said. "Ok" She says while taking my cup of hot chocolate. "That's mine" I shout.

Hanna's POV

Today I checked in the hospital. The doctor did a vital exam and did an ultrasound. I was super nervous especially that it was my first time and thankfully my last. I sat in the hospital bed and ate a couple of snacks. Jordan was by my side the whole time. I also made sure to look cute because Jordan was documenting the whole thing except for the birth part. Frankie and Vincent were coming to visit me because it was winter break. 

I felt a light contraction but it didn't hurt a lot. I started feeling a chain reaction of contractions which got stronger and stronger as time progressed. I squeezed Jordan's hand tightly  and she asked "Do you want me to call a nurse?". "No its just contractions" I replied. Jordan called a nurse in anyways. "Her water hasn't broke yet so she fine for now" the kind nurse says. 

Jordan rubs my hand and asks "Do you want some water?". I nodded my head and she left. She came back with a bottle of water and I took a sip. I fell asleep for a bit but had contractions in between, they were worst than period cramps. 

A few hours later I felt a gush of warm fluids and said "I think my water broke" I say and Jordan immediately calls the nurses. It all happened so fast, There were doctors and nurses rushing back and forth. I held on to Jordan's hand for the entire time. "She's in labor "You need to push" a female nurse says. Jordan looks at me and says "Push". I try my hardest to push and I felt a burning sensation. "Push harder" another doctor says. I started screaming out of pain and holding Jordan's hand tightly. 

"I can't do it" I say in distress. "You can do it" Jordan says. "Just one more" the nurse says. "It hurts" I shout. "Just one more" Jordan says. I gave it my all even if it burned. I scream while doing the final push. "Congratulations you have a baby girl." The doctor says. I was breathing heavily while the nurse handed me my baby while she was crying. I started tearing up because she was so beautiful. She looked just like me. Jordan was also crying too. 

"Can I hold her" she says while wiping her tears. "Yes" I say. "Let me stretch my hand first" she says while she stretches her hand. "Did I squeeze it to hard?" I ask while laughing. I hand the baby to Jordan and she immediately falls in love. "She looks just like you" she says while rocking her. "What are you gonna name her?" The nurse asks as Jordan handed my baby back to me. 

I look at my baby and said "Jenny". "I like that" Jordan says. "Welcome baby Jenny" I say. "We have to get the placenta out and give her stitches now" The nurse says. "Can I feed her?" I ask. "Go ahead" The doctor says.

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