Miracles Happen

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Hanna's POV

Today was the day I would give my first order. It took me days to work on the cake. I was going to finish the rest of the cake at the location so it wouldn't fall over. I had to go alone today since Jordan was babysitting star for me. I arrived at the Party location which was a big fancy area that looked like a palace. I went in and got to work. I tried my best to not mess it up. I was getting paid a lot which is a big opportunity. The cake was huge which mean messing up was likely. 

The cake was a college celebration cake. I still feel upset that I won't get to go to college but on the bright side I will get to meet my baby girl in 4 months, well I think its a girl. My stomach looked very noticeable but was easy to hide in a big shirt. I finished the cake which look pretty and delicious. There was a bunch of party planners there and they liked the cake design.

By the time the party was starting I was going to leave. I was about to leave but then I felt a light tap on my shoulder. "Well miss Hanna I'm definitely surprised" I turned around and saw Zayn's mother!? "Thank you ma'am" I shyly say. "No thank you sweetie" she says which flatters me. "Why did you and Zayn break up" she asks. I got silent for a bit but then she got a call. Saved by the bell I guess.

I was walking to my car when I heard a familiar voice call me "Hanna?" they said. I turned around and say Zayn. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "Why do you need to know" I replied while getting in my car and driving away. 

I went home and rested on the couch. I turned on the tv and grabbed a fruit bowl from the fridge and turned on the TV. I watched TV for a while until Jordan came home. "Hi baby" she says. "How was it?" she asks. "Good I got my 10 grand" I say. "I'm proud of you" she says. She sits next to me and starts rubbing my foot. "You should start a business soon" she says. "I don't think I would do great" I say. "You will I just know it" she says which makes me smile. 

"Thanks" I say. "Are you hungry?" she asks "Yes" I say. "I will make us something" she says while descending into the kitchen. I got up to us the bathroom which was a bit of a struggle. I have to use the bathroom every single minute and bending down was difficult. My feet hurt very often which was a pain in the ass.

Jordan comes back with a sandwich for me and I devour it quickly. "We have a package" Jordan says. She hands it too me and I open the box. "More maternity clothes" Jordan says. "They look cute" I say. "Should we have a gender reveal party" she says. "I don't know" I say while opening and Ice cream bar. "Well we could invite friends and close family most of our friends are leaving for college so we could host one before they leave" she says. 

"Great idea, pool party?" I suggest "Great one" she says. "I'm going to bed" I say while going upstairs. "Goodnight babe" she says while cleaning the kitchen. I hop in bed and lie down for a bit. I heard my phone buzz so I checked an saw that someone ordered a cake. Maybe I will succeed. I look at a picture of my parents. I promise to always do my best even though I'm at my worst. I turn off the lamp and go to sleep.

I woke up and saw that Jordan wasn't there. I got up and got ready. I went down stairs and saw Jordan tying her shoes. "Where are you going?" I asked. "On a run do you wanna go?" she says. "I guess" I say. "Lets go" she says and we head out. I tried my best to catch up with Jordan but it was a bit difficult. After running for 20 minutes we stopped by a café and ordered some food. "Ahh finally a chair" I sigh in relief. I'm not athletic like Jordan which I wish I was. The food arrived which was a Chai latte and a breakfast sandwich. 

Afterwards we left and walked home. I hopped in the shower and got dressed. We were going to the doctors so we can find out the baby's gender. I want it to be a secret so we can have a gender reveal.

After going to the doctors appointment we got straight to planning. I ordered a cake with the color pink or blue and we also ordered decorations. There was a lot I was looking forwards to. We invited close family and friends. It took us about a week to plan because I kept switching the plan every minute. 

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