Helping Hanna

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Hanna's POV

I picked up phone and answered the call. "Hello is this Hanna brown" the anonymous caller. "Yes" I silently replied. "Are your parents Alicia and Harry brown?" They replied. "Yes why?" I replied confused. "Your parents perished in a plane crash" they replied.

"I'm sorry for your loss" they said before I hung up and dropped my phone. This can't be real. I started crying hard and Jordan asked "what's wrong?" She asked with full concerned.

"M-my parents died" I said while choking on tears. "Are you for real?"she asked. I nodded my head and we both started crying. I all of a sudden felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom.

I knelt near the toilet and vomited. Jordan handed me a bottle of water and knelt down next to me. Her eyes were bright red. "Let's go to bed" she quietly said while rubbing my back. I got up and followed her to the bed.

I woke up the next day and saw that Jordan wasn't next to me. I heard her talking with someone downstairs. I snuck near the stairs to eavesdrop. "That means you guys will have to move in" I hear Jordan say. "Ok" I hear Harper say while sniffling. Poor Harper she must be heartbroken.

I went back in my room and lied down on my bed. I heard Jordan walking upstairs and I hid under the covers. Jordan entered the room and lightly tapped on me. I removed the covers and looked at her. She lied right next to me and hugged me.

"Are you hungry?I made you something" she said. "I'm not hungry" I said. "Come on eat something" she replied. "Go away" I said. "Stars parents asked if you were available to babysit her" she said. "I don't feel like it" I said. 

"I can fill in for you" she said. "Go ahead" I said with no energy. Jordan then left. For the whole day I sat in bed. I had no energy and no feelings. I opened my phone and say I got a email from Boston university. I was accepted but I felt worst because I couldn't go.

I slept for the whole day and only got up to use the toilet. Jordan came back and immediately went to my room. "Hanna I'm back" she said. "You didn't eat!!" She worriedly said. She came closer to me with water and tried to feed it to me but I slapped it away and said "leave me alone". I don't know why I felt so mad at her for being concerned. She then backed up and said "sorry" and left.

Jordans POV

Its been a week and Hanna is still upset. I'm concerned because she hasn't left her room or eaten. Today we were unpacking her house because she was moving in with Alexa and I. Harper and I held a garage sale but she couldn't let go somethings which I totally understand but in order to provide for Hanna and Harper we need extra money.

We kept most of the furniture. I fixed Harper her own room and placed photos of her parents in there. We couldn't hold a funeral because we didn't have the money. I helped Hanna get to my room and she lied on our bed. I told Alexa about Hanna's pregnancy and us dating and she is totally supportive.

I handed Hanna some cookies which she rejected. I hated seeing her like this. It's been going on for the whole week. She started to get thinner and I was very worried. She has a doctor's appointment today so I was getting ready.

I had to help Hanna get ready. I picked out her outfit which was a purple sundress and sandals. After she was done getting ready we got in the car and left.

Hanna was being examined by the doctor. "She needs to eat nutritional foods for the baby" the doctor says. "Has she been eating?" She asks. "No" I said. "Why not?" She asks while searching through paper work. "I think she might be depressed" I replied.

After the doctor appointment we went home. Alexa was making lunch for all of us. Harper was munching on her sandwich but Hanna didn't touch her plate. She probably is trying to kill the baby but she's also killing herself.

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