The worst beginning

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Time skip (Hanna's POV)

Today was the last day of school. I was so hyped. I submitted my college applications a month ago and I am super anxious because what if I don't get in. I spotted my favorite café and walked towards it. I was supposed to meet with Zayn to have a "talk". I spotted Zayn at one of the tables and walked towards it. "Hey Hanna" he said. 

I rolled my eyes at the sight of him. I sat on the other side of the table and said "hey". "Listen Hanna I don't get why your ignoring me for 2 months" He said. "Hurry up your wasting my time" I said which threw him off. 

"I'm sorry if I did something wrong, please tell me if I did something wrong" he said. I got up and left, I didn't want him to manipulate and gaslight me. I headed to the park to blow some steam off but Zayn followed me. "What did I do wrong?" he complained. 

He put his hand on my arm but I slapped his hand. "What did I do?" he said. He was starting to get on my nerves and I breathed in and said "The whole relationship was wrong and toxic and I don't wanna stay with you anymore". He look shocked and said "Please stay with me I will improve". "No we are over and I don't care of you try to gaslight me anymore because I will file a restraining order" I said. 

He started to get angry and said "I don't do that to you" "You will regret it". "Well I regret being with you it was a big waste of time anyways, I hope your business collapses" I said while I stood up but all of a sudden I felt his hand slap my face and fell. 

"You can't do this to me" he said. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "Lets go" he said but then all of a sudden. He started screaming. "You broke my finger" I heard him complain. I opened my eyes to see Jordan "Leave her alone" she said.  She helped me up and hugged me "Are you ok?" she said. I nodded my head and said "Lets go home" I said and we left.

Graduation day (Jordan's POV)

Today was graduation day and I was currently getting ready. I decided to wear a suit because all the dresses I owned weren't to my liking anymore. I put some lip gloss on and headed out the door. I sat in my sister's car and she started driving. "We better get some good pictures today" she said. I chuckled a bit and inspected my face in the mirror. "I'm so proud of my little sister, I'm about to cry" 

she says while fanning her face with one hand. "Don't be sad I won't be far away" I said. She pulled into the parking lot and we left the car. "Bitch look at you" Frankie says. "Look at you" I replied. He laughed and said "Hey Alexa" Alexa waved at him and we entered the building. I went into the locker room to put on my graduation gown. I entered backstage of the auditorium and say Hanna there. "Hi Jordan" she said while waving at me.

I walked up to her and hugged her. "My parents are here" she said. I wish my parents were still alive to cherish this moment. After receiving our diploma's it was time for the valedictorian to make their speak. Zayn was the valedictorian only because he payed. Zayn grabbed the mic and began his speech, It was bullshit about money and cars and success. 

"There is one thing I wanna ask before I end this speech, I am in love with someone and have been for 3 years, They are in here right now, I love you so much and I want you to know that" My question is Hanna will you marry me". I was stunned. Didn't that idiot learn his lesson. I saw Hanna get up and walk over to him, she grabbed the mic and said "No". Everyone gasped. I saw harper recording the whole commotion.

Hanna began to go on "I don't love you and I never have, You were so toxic it destroyed all my relationships with family and friends and destroyed my mental health" "I hope you know that threatening me with firing my parents isn't going to stop me, and I hope you know that assaulting me wasn't love, You can go like dog ass for all I care but I will never say yes" She throw the mic at him and ran. Everyone was stunned because Zayn was known as the "good" kid.

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