New Work Study

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Since Nighteye was severely injured during the raid, Nemuri and Izuku had to find a new agency to work study at. They were looking through the available agencies when one caught their attention. The agency of the hero group, The Wild Wild Pussycats had come up. They were back in action again, and Ragdoll was continuing her hero work, even with the absence of her search quirk. The fact that they were on the list was something the two were thankful for, Nemuri had wanted to check in after Kamino but never got the chance, and Izuku wanted to meet the team that helped train his classmates. They then decided that the WWP agency, was their next destination.

Once they picked up the work study form for Izuku, and the agency transfer form for Nemuri, she dragged Aizawa to his car, and told him to drive to the agency. He was confused at first, but when he saw the papers she was holding he understood and started the drive.

Time Skip 2 Hours

They had arrived at the agency, and because they called an hour into theme drive, Pixie-Bob was waiting at the door. She looked confused when only two people got out of the car.

PB: "So, where's the work study kitten you were bringing?"

Nemuri: "All will be explained inside when we're all together."

PB: "Alright, as long as you stop being all cryptic, it doesn't suit you."

They then proceeded to walk inside, and go into an office with four different colored desks, one for each Pussycat. Pixie-Bob then called the other three who then came in and take their seats. Mandalay motioned for Aizawa and Nemuri to sit on a couch in the middle of the room.

Mandalay: "We were told that there would be a student with you too, where are they?"

You know what happens, Nemuri calls Izuku out, confusion ensues, Izuku explains.

Ragdoll: "So you were transferred, while the rest of the class was here?"

Izuku nodded.

Tiger: "That's a lot to take in, but given everything that's happened, I don't think anyone here is that bothered. So why do you want to work here?"

Izuku: "We want to work on our rescue skills, and since space is limited back at UA, we'd be able to stretch our legs a lot better here in a forest. Speaking of the forest, since you all work in different environments every day, it'll allows us to learn to adapt to our environment easier. We'd also be able to lessen the work load so you're all not as tired at the end of the day."

The Pussycats nodded, walked over to one another, huddled, and talked. Once they were done they all went back to their seats.

Mandalay: "We've gone over your reasons, the pros of hiring you, as well as the cons, and we would like to say, that you two start next week."

They each stamped Izuku's work study form, and signed Nemuri's transfer paper. They talked for a little bit before waving goodbye too the UA visitors.

The week went by faster than expected. The couple were excited to start their new work study. They got up, Nemuri ate breakfast, and went to the agency.

When they got their they were greeted by Tiger, who gave Nemuri one of their cat ear like headsets that lets them actively listen for radio broadcasts for lost civilians. Not long after someone was stuck underneath a tree which had fallen onto their car. Izuku venomized Nemuri and they quickly lept into action. They were there in mere minutes and were able to get the tree off of the vehicle, and create enough space for the person to crawl out.

The rest of the day was roughly the same. Wait for a call, go take care of it. Though Venomnight wasn't able to do much for some emergencies, like Pixie-Bob had to take care of a mudslide which had trapped a couple of park ranger jeeps. Venomnight had also been practicing with their webs and tendrils. They were even able to help a camper cut some fire wood with a tendril and web it up so the camper could take it with them.

They went back to the dorms that night excited for the next time they were called in. Nemuri even gave Izuku a little reward for them doing so much that day.

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