Chapter 13 - Stardew Valley Festival

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"Are you sure? What if she doesn't like it?" Ashley asked as she fluffed the frilly pink pillow and laid it on the bed with the others. "I thought this would be easy, me being a girl and all, too, but I don't know half of what she likes."

Shane stopped her. Rubbing her arms, he gazed straight into her eyes. "Jas is a great kid, and she appreciates things more than typical six-year-olds do. She'll love it," he assured her as he pulled her into a hug.

"I just want her to feel welcome here when we get married in two weeks. Like she has a place here at the farmhouse, too." Ashley listened to Shane's steady heartbeat as she lay on his chest.

She looked around the room she had Robin build for Jas and sighed. The carpenter had done a terrific job adding Jas's bedroom, a spare bedroom, and a joint bathroom. The only problem she had was with the painted wildflower, dandelion and cloud motifs. Originally, she was going to pay Leah do it, but with the lack of funds due to the damages to her farm, Ashley painted it herself. She sighed again so Shane lifted her chin.

"Hey, it looks great, Ash," Shane said before bringing her up for a peck. He moved her arms around his neck and wrapped his around her waist, deepening the kiss.

It had been a week since they spent that amazing night together in the city. He was happy for the weekend to come back around, even if the Stardew Valley Festival was tomorrow.

"I have missed you all week," he murmured into her ear, then kissed down her neck to the curve of her shoulder.

"We've seen each other all week, how can you miss me?" Ashley teased as he moved his kisses across her chest to the other side of her neck. Her eyes rolled back, loving the feel of his stubble as his lips moved across her skin.

"You know what I mean, my beautiful succubus." Shane's hand moved her backside and squeezed. "Are you sure you still want Jas to stay the night tonight? I can think of all manner of things we can do after Marnie gets home."

"Ew, that's weird," Ashley chuckled, pushing his chest, but he held her waist so she couldn't get away.

Shane leaned his head back and laughed. His cheeks burned with embarrassment.

"That sounded different in my head," he said before turning to her. "What I meant to say is, when Marnie gets home, she can watch Jas tonight and I can spend two nights with you instead of one."

"As tempting as that is, a promise is a promise." Ashley shook her head. "Friday nights are Jas's nights to stay over, and Saturdays are your nights until you get me every...single...night." She gave him three kisses with each of the last three words.

"I know it's early yet, but have you heard from your sister Keelie or Uncle Bill about whether they're coming to the wedding or not?" Shane asked, not wanting to dampen the mood but they were the only two people on her guest list that were family out of the ten people she sent invites to.

Her smile faltered a little. "No. Not yet. I've gotten messages from a couple of other people but, like you said, it's still early." She rested her forehead on his chin, so he kissed it.

"Come on, let's not keep the princess waiting too long for her surprise." Shane gave Ashley a final kiss, then interlaced their fingers.

They made their way to Marnie's ranch a few minutes early and Jas ran up to Shane immediately.

"I'm ready to stay at Aunt Ashley's tonight! My bag is packed. I have my clothes, pajamas, toothbrush, book, and my favorite teddy! Oh, and my special bunny slippers!" Jas rambled excitedly. The smile on his niece's face was almost worth the extra night waiting to be with his fiancée.

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