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Everyone panicked as they ran away from the stage. Another gunshot was heard. Sam panicked and hid behind the amplifiers, the crew wanted to go down and helped the band to get out but the assailant is getting near the stage. Sam looked at Al, who is going to make a run to it but the man saw him and pointed the gun at him. She gasped and cannot think straight on what to do. She just ran, she just lets her impulse do its thing. The important is she has to save her father. She can't lose him again! "DAD!" She ran, screamed his name and heard the gunshot. "DAD!" At split second, Al turned to look at her. She felt her arms wrapped around his waist as her force tackled him down. Her sight gone blank after hearing screams of the man and the crew screaming her name.

The road manager Tom called for more security and they have been able to disarm and tackled the assailant down after he shot at Al's area. Al regained consciousness but he panicked quickly that the last time he saw was a man putting the gun at him before he can react and suddenly, he got knocked down. He saw Sam on his lap and in total shock when he saw a pool of blood from her. "SAM! SAM!" He shook her but she is not responding. "GUYS! HELP!" He cradled her gently. "Sam, you're going to be okay. Help is on the way, just hold on!" He said.

The band were in the hospital, seated on the waiting benches. Fortunately, everyone is safe and only injuries occurred after the whole shooting incident. But the deadliest was to Sam. The one whom she saved, Al, is most shaken. It just sunk to him that she saved his life... Again. He tries to remember what had happened before that. He looked at his hands, where he cradled Sam earlier. Lily felt immense sadness upon learning that especially that she knew who Sam really is. "Al... Are you okay?" Rico asked and touched his shoulder for comfort. "The police wanted a testimony." He said. Al stayed silent for a while. "I... I was going for a run but... I heard someone screamed my name and I got down. It must've been Sam." After a couple of minutes and lots of questioning, the police left after gathering information from them. Something is pondering Al to that event. When he cradled the dying Sam, his memory flashed through his eyes. He saw his daughter Sol as a baby instead. He pondered more to what she had said. "That was weird..." He muttered. "What's weird?" Rico asked. "I... I heard Sam said 'Dad'... Why would she say that?" He said while holding his head and then looked at his bandmates. Lily's eyes widened, she wanted to speak but she did not want to reveal anything that she swore not to. She wanted Sam to do it. Al caught up her look and squinted his eyes, she probably knows what is going on. "What did you know?" He asked menacingly, his blue eyes pierced to Lily. She is still not saying a word. He moved fast but Rico and Zack stopped him before he had an outburst due to his short temper. "What did you know?! What is going on?!" He raised his voice, wanting answers so badly.

Before anything goes further, the doctor went out of the room holding Sam's wallet.

She groaned as the bright light is too much for her. It took her a while before she opened her eyes completely. Still blinking and adjusting to the brightness, she moved her head slowly. The last thing she remembered is all that screaming and pain on her side. "Where's Al?" She thought. Panic surged her once again, not knowing what happened to her father. He might've got shot even after she pushed him. She got up quickly then groaned loudly in pain. She just realized that there is someone guarding her. It is Lily, sleeping while sitting and then slowly rousing up because of her shout. "Sam?! You're awake!" She said as she stood and embraced her head. "Oh god... Finally." She muttered. "Lily, where's Al?" She asked. Lily's face changed to both nervous and anxious. "Sam, he is okay. But now is not the right time to talk to-" She said but the door opened. Al went inside holding the golden earring, with the ring attached to it. Lily quickly covered Sam. "Al, she just woke up. Calm down." When she saw the earring, Sam's eyes widened in shock and starting to fear for his wrath. This is the thing she is scared the most, when he knew about the truth and decided in disowning her because of her dishonesty and betrayal. She inherited that from him as well, so she should know. "I will talk to her, Lily. Privately." He said sternly, his blue eyes stared intensely. Lily wanted to defend Sam but Al is having none of that as he definitely wanted answers from Sam herself, she felt defeated in this one. Lily looked at Sam and mouthed, "I'm sorry," before walking out. Sam is surprised at this, even Lily can't save her this time. At this point, Sam wished she is dead instead of having to face the wrath of her father... Again.

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